View Full Version : Weinberg to be replaced by his son on springsteen shows in europe

03-21-2009, 06:54 PM
Bruce Springsteen's regular E Street Band drummer Max Weinberg will be replaced by his son in a string of European shows this summer (09), so his dad can concentrate on his TV career.

Weinberg's band The Max Weinberg Seven will take over as the house band on America's Tonight Show in June (09) - and the group's first TV appearances in Los Angeles coincide with Springsteen's shows in Europe.

So the respected drummer has offered up his talented 19-year-old son, Jay, as his E Street Band replacement.

In a statement, Springsteen jokes, "We promise to return him (Jay Weinberg) in one piece."

Max Weinberg joined the E Street Band in 1974 and hasn’t missed a single show since. His son, who drums for heavy metal band The Reveling, has reportedly been rehearsing with the E Street Band in New Jersey for the past week.

E Street Band guitarist Steve Van Zandt recently told Rolling Stone magazine he couldn't imagine.touring without Max Weinberg: "It’s hard for me to picture a show without Max, honestly... There’s no drummer that could replace Max. There might be someone temporary that comes in and we’ll have to adjust the show accordingly.

"What nobody understands is that not only is Max a great drummer, Max reads Bruce’s mind. You can’t learn that. That’s impossible to learn. You could spend months rehearsing and you’ll never get that."

Jay Weinberg becomes the latest rock offspring to replace his father in current classic rock line-ups - Rick Wakeman's son Adam has taken over keyboard duties in Yes and Jurgen Blackmore has taken his father Ritchie's place in the reunited Rainbow line-up. Meanwhile, Eddie Van Halen's teenage son Wolfgang has signed on as Van Halen's permanent bass player.


03-23-2009, 08:05 AM
thanks for the post Omen

04-09-2009, 05:30 AM
Thanks for the read.