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03-23-2009, 07:57 AM
March 21, 2009

Got brand new boots for Wrestlemania, first time to wear them. Not sure why Rey Mysterio is so stupid to challenge me on such a historic occasion, but he will be the one that suffers.

Don't forget to check out my new radio show at www.webtalkradio.net I think you will like it.

How does the congress get mad at AIG? The government says that they "only" spent $7.7 billion in earmarks from the taxpayers-us, something that would send them to jail if they were in private enterprise-and that they were transparent about them. Also, the government argues that it is only ½ of 1% of budget.

Well, $165 million in bonuses were contractually obligated, but the congress obviously doesn't care about contracts, after all why abide by the law? And those bonuses were only .01% of the entire bailout-from us, the taxpayers-for AIG. So by Congress reasoning, Congress committed 500 times the egregious act and spent $7.5 billion more of taxpayers' money for things that they shouldn't have, and Congress should be happy that at least AIG's was legal and binding.

But then again, if Congress did that then you would have to look at them and realize that they were the ones that let this happen and they are the ones that really took money from the taxpayers.

I'm not defending AIG, just pointing out how hypocritical the congress is by doing so.

I also want to say that I am pulling for President Obama; he's not doing what I like for the economy. But I really hate people who bash our president right now when we need to be behind him. And who knows, maybe he is right. After all, our country is the one at stake, so I sure hope he is. I think he deserves a chance and our support.

You need Layfield's Energy Plus no Pain right now! Go to www.layfieldenergy.com and I'll send you 6 bottles for free, just pay shipping and processing. That is something the congress wouldn't do.

Got some news coming this week about Layfield Energy products, you can currently get them at Vitamin Shoppe, Amazon.com, Bodybuilding.com and soon another major web site that is revamping. Also, pick it up at Good Nature in NYC at 55th and 2nd, my good friend Leo's store.

If you are in Tennessee check out Tennessee mornings with Charlie Chase and Kelly Sutton every Thursday to see me with my good friends there talk economy and politics and what really matters.

I am writing this right before the Bobby Lashley fight, so I hope that by the time you read this that Bobby has won overwhelmingly. Bobby always had "star" written all over him, I hope to one day see he and Brock fighting for the UFC heavyweight crown.

I had my travel plans all set to go watch Brock against Mir, but Mir got hurt in training and now it is pushed back. That's ok I plan on going to it wherever it is.

I also didn't get to go to Pamplona to run with the bulls last year and I am already making travel plans for this year. Gonna wear the white with red sash and run like heck and hope to not get trampled.

Well, gotta get ready for Bobby's fight. And, Rey better be getting ready for Wrestlemania!