View Full Version : Public support for post office bank

03-24-2009, 06:51 AM
The Government has been urged to press ahead with setting up a bank at post offices after a new poll showed overwhelming public support for the idea.

A survey of more than 1,100 adults showed three out of four backed a Post Bank, which is being promoted by a coalition of unions, business and pensioners' groups.

Campaigners have called on ministers to take urgent action to allow post offices to offer a range of financial services as an alternative to commercial banks.

The coalition launched the campaign last week and have since drawn support from a number of groups including the Federation of SubPostmasters.

Billy Hayes, general secretary of the Communication Workers Union, said: "This is an idea whose time has come. The Post Bank provides solutions for people who are disillusioned with traditional banking as well as a sustainable future for the Post Office. This poll clearly shows the popularity and demand across the political board for a People's Post Bank."

The union said a separate survey of politicians and opinion formers also showed huge support for the idea.

"This latest poll shows there is clear consensus building across the board for the need for a permanent, publicly owned Post Bank run through the post office network, yet to date, Government has failed to grasp the vision at the heart of the proposal.

"The coalition believes that to play a role in stabilising finance, and reconnecting it with the real economy and local communities, it must be a new, publicly owned bank run for the public good," a union spokesman added.


03-24-2009, 08:06 AM
thanks for the read Eel

03-24-2009, 08:53 AM
Thanks For This