View Full Version : Blowing in the wind?

03-24-2009, 07:07 AM
Bob Dylan is reportedly making himself unpopular among his Malibu neighbours because of smells from a portable toilet on his property.

Local residents are complaining that sea breezes blow nasty smells from the loo, used by employees of Dylan's, including his security guards.

Cindy Emminger, whose house is directly behind the toilet, says the smell has made her and her eight-year-old son ill because they are both sensitive to chemicals and have allergies.

She and her husband even went as far as installing five industrial sized fans to blow the smell back at Dylan, but it didn't work.

"It's a scandal - Mr Civil Rights is killing our civil rights," Mr Emminger told the LA Times.

The toilet is currently under investigation by Malibu officials.


03-25-2009, 07:37 AM
wow thanks for the post Eel