View Full Version : John Cena Challenges The Rock To A Match At WrestleMania 26

Black Widow
03-28-2009, 04:21 PM
Source: MTV.com

Over the past year, John Cena has been very vocal about his feelings towards Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and how he's turned his back on the wrestling industry. Cena has called The Rock out on several occasions, saying The Rock has gone back on his word that he'd always remember the fans who made him a star. Now, Cena wants to settle their score in the ring.

In an interview with MTV, Cena said he wants to wrestle The Rock Dwayne Johnson at WrestleMania 26 for a one-night-only showdown of action stars. "I've been trying to wrestle him," Cena told MTV's Josh Horowitz. "It's not that he won't accept the challenge. He truly has a full plate."

Cena then set a date for the possible showdown and revealed that he's not even that confident that he could beat the Great One. "What a better showdown .. Dwayne Johnson, or The Rock, or whatever he wants to be called .. versus John Cena at, let's say, WrestleMania 26. I'm not even saying I'm going to win. He's a hell of an athlete. God-given ability. One of the nicest people ever to grace a WWE ring. I'd just like to get him back for a night."

03-29-2009, 12:33 AM
cena just wants tips on how to be a better actor lol, thanks for the post Ryan

03-29-2009, 12:37 AM
If the WWE could advertise The Rock vs. John Cena for Wrestlemania 26, you'd be looking at the biggest PPV they'd ever hope to get. That would be huge. With that said, I just don't see the Rock going back into the ring, even if he is inducted into the WWE HOF. Why bother? The dude makes $20 million a movie...he doesn't need the WWE anymore.

03-29-2009, 07:14 PM
Anyone else finding this ironic that Cena criticizes the Rock about movies and Cena is making yet another movie

03-29-2009, 11:47 PM
Cena's a hypocrite.

03-31-2009, 06:51 AM
he not a hypocrite dont get me wrong i hate the guy but i was a rock fan but he turned his back on the sport he said he loved and ended it on a movie carrer but john cena makes movie but comes back hes doing what hulk hogan did back then but ya not a hypocrite.

04-02-2009, 01:16 AM
Anyone else finding this ironic that Cena criticizes the Rock about movies and Cena is making yet another movie

ya but atleast the rock can act....

and cena is just trying to be the next gen rock from the looks of things