View Full Version : Mr. Kennedy: The Interview Featuring His Suspension, Wanting Heel Turn & More

03-29-2009, 03:14 AM
WWE star Mr. Kennedy believes WWE's drug-testing is too rigorous and he feels like every time he comes to a TV taping, there's a drug test for the wrestlers. Kennedy doesn't care if he's reprimanded for the comment.

"Testing is ridiculous. I swear it's far more rigorous than the NFL," Kennedy told the U.K. Sun in a recent interview. "It seems like every time we go to TV, there's a note on the door that says we're testing. Do it on a weekly basis and it tends to be a bit much. I'm probably going to get myself in trouble here."

Kennedy's frustration with WWE's Wellness policy stems from when he was suspended in 2007 when his name appeared in Sports Illustrated for receiving shipments of testosterone from a shady doctor.

"I thought the suspension was bulls--- to begin with," Kennedy said. "I feel I had a legitimate medical condition. Someone will say 'you're not supposed to go online to get.' I never went online once. Never. It was an actual guy who said he was a doctor who I got my stuff from."

Kennedy said he needed his "stuff" - testosterone - because his body had shut down its natural production of testosterone. He says he used steroids on the independents to bulk up and try to get a look from WWE.

"You go through your life trying to get into WWE; you do everything you can," Kennedy said. "I made some decisions - I'm happy or not happy about. I made those decisions and I have to live with them."

Kennedy explained what he feels is a legitimate medical condition that resulted from his previous steroid use: "What happens is when you stop taking that stuff, your natural level of testosterone - you feel like s---. You can't get out of bed in the morning. Your natural production of testosterone just stops."

Kennedy defends his use of steroids by saying no one should be concerned about it except for himself.

"If I'm not hurting anybody, what's the big deal?" he asked rhetorically. "If I'm going to have health issues, I'm going to have health issues."


WWE star Mr. Kennedy says he's constantly battling Vince McMahon on the direction of his on-screen character. Kennedy says he would like to turn heel when he returns to TV, but he's not sure that will work out with McMahon.

"Apparently I'm too funny. To me, it's just me. But, Vince hates it. He hates it when I do stuff like that," Kennedy told the U.K. Sun in a recent interview. "He'll say, 'dammit, stop being so funny.' I'll be like, 'I'm not. I don't mean to be funny. That's just the way I am.'"

Kennedy says the battle between himself and McMahon is related to their impersonal relationship. Kennedy says they don't have much of an understanding.

"There's really a tug of war going on," Kennedy said. He added that McMahon believes he's putting on a show with his humorous gimmick because he doesn't talk to McMahon like that in conversation.

Kennedy recalled his defense to McMahon: "'You're you and I don't have that type of relationship with you and I don't know you that well.'"

Later in the interview, Kennedy recalled a situation where Vince McMahon reprimanded him for using the Tombstone Piledriver on The Undertaker even though Taker told him to do it.

"Taker came up to me and said he would like to work with me some time. He was very, very giving. Sometimes a little too giving," Kennedy said. "He goes, 'Give me a piledriver.' I picked him up and gave him a piledriver.

"We got back to the locker room and he said, 'I've only let two other people in my life give me the Piledriver.'

"Then, Vince came up to me and said, 'I understand that Taker was very giving to you. I think he gave you too much. I don't ever want to see you do that again. I don't care who tells you to do it, I don't want to see it ever again. There's only two people I let do the piledriver - Undertaker and Kane.'"


WWE star Mr. Kennedy says he's 95 percent healed from a severe shoulder injury he suffered in August, but will not be recovered in time for WrestleMania 25. Kennedy, frustrated, says he doesn't have full range of motion in his shoulder yet.

Kennedy was scheduled to return in late February or early March in time to set up a program for WrestleMania 25, but Kennedy hasn't been able to get over the hump with his latest injury.

"It's at the point right now where it's really frustrating because I'm trying to get that last five percent," Kennedy told the U.K. Sun in a recent interview. "I go to physical therapy three times per week and she stretches me and it's very painful."

Kennedy says it's unfortunate he hasn't been able to heal from the current injury on schedule, but the silver lining is that he's been able to take care of other injuries during the time off.

"When you get injured you take some time off and heal some nagging injuries," Kennedy said. "When you're on the road as much as we are, you tend to get some dings all over your body, so you get that little time to relax and heal yourself, but this happened in August and I'm still working on it."

After being injured in August, Kennedy says he stopped reading wrestling newsletters when there was speculation he would be released based on his latest injury.

"I gave that up. I haven't looked at any dirt sheets or websites since I got injured," Kennedy said. "Right after I got injured - you try to keep up with everything - you're reading the dirt sheets and there was some stuff that I was going to be released. It turned out that it was a bunch of garbage."

Kennedy says he's confident in his abilities when he's in good health, but it led to some sleepless nights for him because WWE was beginning cost-cutting measures due to the poor economic conditions.

Download the entire interview HERE ( http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/wrestling/article2339994.ece)

03-29-2009, 06:54 AM
thanks for the post Eel