View Full Version : The Madison Rayne UGO.COM: Interview

03-31-2009, 04:23 AM
What do you remember as your big break?

Signing a contract with TNA was the biggest high point of my career, by far.

What attracted you to the wrestling profession?

I've dreamed of being women's champion when other little girls were playing with Barbies. I grew up on pro wrestling. It also didn't hurt that I have two older brothers.

What does TNA offer that other promotions don't?

TNA offers a solid foundation for women who devote their blood, sweat and tears to this business, change the standard for women's wrestling, and make a place for themselves in history.

Do you feel any responsibility to honor the women who came before you in the wrestling profession?

Absolutely. If it weren't for the women who came before our generation, laying the foundation for us, we would have nothing to work for.

What do you geek out for?

I'm a reality TV junkie. I can't get enough, as ridiculous as it sounds. I try to live a pretty laid back lifestyle, drama free, so watching other people's drama gives me a good laugh. Also I love my Old English Bulldog - the puppy eyes get me every time.

Who is your favorite wrestler of all time?

From the first time I sat down to watch a wrestling show, I've been a huge Shawn Michaels fan. His ability to captivate an audience is a God-given talent, and it's something I try my best to emulate each time I step into a spotlight.

Is there anything you want to tell wrestling fans about yourself?

I've given my entire heart to this business and now that I'm here, I'm here to stay ;) Love me or hate me - you're all stuck! And, outside the limelight, I'm a huge tomboy. Hoodies and gym shoes all day everyday.

What has been the most difficult part about working in TNA?

Getting back to my feet after my initial Awesome Bomb! And living up to the expectation I've set for myself to be the absolute best.

Which part of being a Knockout do you like the most?

Waking up in the morning knowing that I've made my dream a career, and being part of one of the most impressive group of women wrestlers ever created.

If you weren't a TNA Knockout, what would you be?

Cinderella at Disney World. ;) Or a bookworm finishing my degree in Physical Therapy.

Source: UGO.COM

04-01-2009, 07:18 AM
thanks for the post Eel