View Full Version : *Spoilers* TNA iMPACT! Taping Results For Next Week [Air Date 10/04/09]

04-01-2009, 12:26 AM
The following are full taping results for next week's edition of TNA iMPACT!, scheduled to air on Spike TV on April 10th:

Sting called out Jarrett and asked him if he's in charge, or if Foley is in charge. He isn't happy about working for Foley after last week, and felt fair is fair and Sting asked Jarrett to book Foley vs. Steiner. The Machine Guns came out and said they want a match with Foley. So Jarrett booked Foley vs. Sabin & Shelley in a handicap match

Foley came out and said he's writing his next book, about life in TNA. He said his son Dewey did his hair like Alex Shelley which upset him, and said he's changing the match to first blood

Robert Roode b Eric Young

Sabin & Shelley b Foley in a first blood match. Shelley bled but Foley refused to allow the ref to call the match because he wanted to inflict more damage. Sting came out and hit Foley with a chair shot so Foley bled and lst. Sting and Foley then brawled to the back.

Source: WZ