View Full Version : Assassin's Creed 2 Teaser Site Goes Live

04-07-2009, 07:21 AM
Ubisoft has officially kicked the Assassin's Creed 2 hype machine into gear. A teaser site is online, depicting a series of mysterious charts that suggest that the timeline may be moving up a bit.

In the previous game, protagonist Desmond Miles relived the Third Crusade via a machine called the Animus. For the sequel, the word "Animus" is once again prominently displayed, suggesting that our hero will be once again getting a glimpse of his ancestral memories. But if the charts are anything to go by, he may be leaping a couple hundred years into the future. Perhaps we'll be assassinating citizens of the Renaissance Period? And what exactly is up with the wings?

Have a click on the teaser site and see for yourself. You may end up seeing something we don't.--

