View Full Version : Police stop pillow fight

04-07-2009, 10:23 AM
Detroit police officers not down with the idea of an impromptu pillow fight in downtown Detroit have ruffled a few feathers by preventing it.

The pillow fight, reportedly one of at least 50 across the world at the weekend organized by people on social networking websites, was shut down by officers stationed at Campus Martius Park.

The Detroit News says officers in blue jumpsuits politely disarmed pillow-toting participants.

Thirty-two-year-old Michael Davis of Hamtramck, who had his pillows snagged but his cases returned, said police told him he needed a permit.

But 48-year-old Scott Harris of Ferndale wasn't willing to simply roll over, saying, "It is not illegal to own a pillow."

Detroit police were not immediately available for comment.

- AP