View Full Version : Kofi Kingston Wins Legends Of WrestleMania Tournament

04-08-2009, 05:30 PM
WWE Superstar Kofi Kingston has already claimed the Tag Team Championship and the Intercontinental Championship during his first two and a half years with the company. Now he has one more title to add to the bunch. Playing as himself (imported via Smackdown vs. Raw 2009) Kingston won the Seventh Annual THQ Superstar Challenge, defeating four top WWE Superstars in WWE Legends of Wrestlemania before taking on and defeating former champ Shelton Benjamin with "The Fink" Howard Finkel presenting commentary throughout. The tournament took place at the WWE Axxess convention, leading up to WrestleMania 25 on Sunday.

In the first round, three of the biggest WWE Legends were eliminated by their own sons as Cody Rhodes defeated "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, Ted DiBiase Jr. beat "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, and Hornswoggle defeated his "father" Finlay. Additionally, Brie Bella beat her twin sister Nikki, Kofi Kingston defeated Evan Bourne, and The Brian Kendrick won over Ezekiel Jackson, though Finkel suspected Ezekiel let his associate win. Also advancing were Beth Phoenix, topping Michelle McCool and Sergeant Slaughter, who beat the straight edge superstar CM Punk.

The hardened drill instructor was the final legend to leave the ring, as he was taken down by Kendrick in the second round, though it probably didn't help that his character was WWE owner Vince McMahon. Kingston continued his dominance, beating Beth Phoenix, who won this authors heart with her choice of Mr. Perfect. Hornswoggle's Ultimate Warrior was no match for Cody Rhodes, who played as his father and Brie, playing as The Undertaker, lost to Ted Dibiase Jr, who played as his stablemate Randy Orton.

Legacy didn't escape the next round unscathed as Ted Jr lost to his tag partner Cody Rhodes, with both men choosing their father as their character. In the other match, Kofi beat Kendrick.

When "The Fink" announced that "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart would be a special guest commentator for the final match, Kofi won over even more fans by choosing "The Mouth" as his in-game manager. In a brutal battle, Kingston defeated Cody Rhodes and claimed the video game championship trophy.

Before Kingston could let his victory sink in, four-time Superstar Challenge champion Shelton Benjamin came out to congratulate his WrestleMania opponent and challenge him to a video game match at next year's event. Kingston, however, refused Benjamin's request, instead offering to take him on immediately. Surprisingly, the new champion was able to defeat the WWE's biggest gamer, and the cheers of the Axxess crowd. Is this victory a sign of things to come this weekend? We'll find out when Kingston, Benjamin, and six other wrestlers battle in the "Money in the Bank" match at WrestleMania. Check back soon for pictures of the event!

Source: NetworkWorld