View Full Version : Jim Ross Talks About Tazz, WrestleMania 25, Steamboat & More

04-09-2009, 02:38 AM
It's nice finally getting back home to Oklahoma after spending almost 6 days down in Texas. I've been needing some J.R.'s Family BBQ and plan on taking care of that little issue "Sooner" than later.

I always enjoy Wrestlemania week as it provides me with the opportunity to reacquaint with old friends that I have not seen quite often since the last Wrestlemania. I don't really get too wrapped up in how many "stars" the critics in the "media" give specific Wrestlemania bouts or even the event in general. Everyone has the right to their opinion and it is simply a sign of the times for folks to over analyze things in today's world.

From my unique perspective I thoroughly enjoyed Wrestlemania and find it hard to overly criticise an event that grossed almost $7M, brought approximately $50M into the Houston community, was seen live by over 70,000 fans, and, last but not least, featured arguably the best Wrestlemania match ever between the Undertaker and HBK.

I started with WWE at WM9 and I do not recall ever seeing a better wrestling match at any 'Mania before #9 or after that out delivered Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker's performance last Sunday in Houston.

It will be interesting to see how many gamers attempt to recreate this epic, one on one battle on the Legends of Wrestlemania Video game from THQ.

I loved having a final "wrestling beer" with Stone Cold and, for the record, I did keep the beer can which will go into some kind of display for one of our BBQ joints in the near future. I did get significant beer on my hat but I enjoyed every minute of it. The King strongly dislikes getting beer on him which I find amusing especially on Sunday when his entire wardrobe was rented.

The Diva Battle Royal at 'Mania was the darnedest thing I can remember seeing in a while as the ladies started scuffling before the bell rang and I swear that there were eliminations during the introductions. I was looking forward to seeing some of the Diva Alums but not only did I not see some of them in the match I did not get to see some of them during the week at the HQ hotel. I especially missed not getting to visit with Torrie Wilson. Hey, just because I'm on a "diet" doesn't mean I can't look at the "desert list." Plus she always entertainingly busts my chops about her Boise State footballers upsetting Oklahoma a couple of years ago in the instant classic, Fiesta Bowl.

I did get to visit with Sunny, Nidia, and Molly Holly and thoroughly enjoyed those conversations. Nidia did not compete in the Battle Royal as she is busy being a mom but looked to be in tremendous shape. Sunny was having fun in Houston and Molly is still doing great things with under privileged kids. I've never met a Diva with a better heart for wanting to do good deeds than does Molly. I wish more people in this world had her wonderful attitude.

How good is Ricky Steamboat, STILL? Aside from HBK and 'Taker this week, no one stood out more than did Ricky Steamboat in the ring. The young, WWE wrestlers can learn a heck of a lot by watching and listening to "The Dragon."

Congrats to the Colon Brothers for unifying the tag titles Sunday prior to WM25 going on the air on PPV. I wish this bout could have been a part of the PPV as I am sure the wrestlers do as well. I like Carlito and Primo's in ring style but I do think that they need to become more physical and to rely less on the flying stuff as time goes on. They face Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes this Friday night on Smackdown.

Speaking of Smackdown, my pal Tazz got a little burned out from all the travel, etc and has left WWE. Todd Grisham joins yours truly this Friday night at the announce desk. I will move to another role going forward on WWE TV broadcasts much like my role was at Wrestlemania 25. I will be doing more analyzing or color commentary than my old role of doing play by play. Who in the heck knows what's going to happen after this Monday's Draft? Based on my personal experiences from last year's Draft in San Antonio, I am prepared for any thing. Maybe I can cut a lucrative, free agent deal down in Florida at FCW.

Other than looking bodacious in a business suit, I wonder what inherent, business qualities that Tiffany has that allows her to be the interim G.M. on ECW? I'm just saying.

Of course, Teddy Long is back in the G.M. saddle on Friday Night Smackdown. I've always gotten along well with "Theo" and we have been friends for over 20 years which makes me think that I will be staying on Smackdown. There is seemingly lots of specululation about yours truly perhaps returning to Raw but I don't see it happening. However we'll all know soemthing sometime Monday during the 3 hour, live Raw that starts at 8/7 central on the USA Network.

Friday night tune in for the first Stretcher match that I can recall ever airing on Smackdown.

Gail Kim wrestles Michelle McCool Friday night on Smackdown in a bout between two of the more athletic and skilled Diva wrestlers in WWE. Gail Kim has looked really good since returning to Smackdown. Women like Kim and McCool have the ability and potential to add much needed athleticism in Divaland along with other that I could mention.

I enjoyed Matt Striker and Josh Mathews TV work on the ECW broadcast Tuesday night in Austin. I like the upside of these two but, again, who knows if they will stay together after Monday night in Atlanta's Phillips Arena. Josh Mathews has been around since the "Tough Enough" days and certainly has earned his opportunity.

Lots of Wrestlemania fans stopped by J.R.'s Family BBQ on their way down to Houston last week. I really appreciate everyone that took the time to visit us. Don't forget to check out our blogs and Q&A's on our BBQ website at www.jrsbarbq.com.

It was really unique, to be polite, hearing all those "OU Sucks" chants on the University of Texas campus Tuesday night both going to and leaving the ring especially when I was trying to enteract with some of our young fans who were not chanting but just wanted to say hello. Some of you might say that sort of behavior is classless but one really needs to understand the long standing rivalry that exists between Oklahoma and Texas especially on the gridiron. I actually find Austin to be a nice town and, for the record, I do not "hate" the Longhorns as "hate" is WAY too strong a word to use when describing a football rivalry or at least it is to me.

Thanks for checking us out and until next time which could be any time....Boomer Sooner! J.R.

Source: WWE.COM

04-09-2009, 07:45 AM
JR is a legend.

04-09-2009, 11:01 AM
Jim Ross < Tazz.