View Full Version : Killzone 2 DLC Revealed

04-10-2009, 05:19 PM

So, thanks to Geoff Keighley's journalizing, we have a good idea of what we can expect from the first batch of Killzone 2 DLC and a hint of what's to come. The first, called "Steel and Titanium" (finally, some gray in Killzone! -- ed.) will feature two maps, one set on the ISA tech cruiser "New Sun" and featuring more vertical gameplay, and one aboard two Helghast freight trains that can be leapt between, if you're willing to brave the environmental hazards. Go here and skip to 7:50 to see for yourself.

Guerrilla boss Herman Hulst went on to reveal that the 2nd DLC pack would include the word "Retro" and would likely include some Killzone 1-related content. So, what would you like to see make the jump to modern day?
