View Full Version : FCW Results

04-10-2009, 06:28 PM
Set 1:

Lupe Santiago d. Byron Saxton:

Byron Saxton is the best manager in the WWE right now. Saxton ran The Conglomerate until it abruptly ended. And ever since, Byron has been wrestling full time. Byron's mic skills are on par with a young Rock, and as such, he is one of the most entertaining guys on the FCW roster. Lupe is still very young, but does have that "look" that WWE seems to strive for. Lupe via submission.

Kafu and Sweet Papi Sanchez d. Dylan Klein and Troy Jackman:

Poorly executed match. Kafu was getting beaten down during the match, but before he could make the "hot tag" to Papi, Kafu hit a round house kick and got the win.

Ricky Ortiz d. Trent Beretta:

Beretta has a nice looking moonsault in his arsenal. Unfortunately, Beretta missed his attempt, and Ortiz connected with a pump handle slam for the win.

Byron Saxton comes out and introduces us to the unofficial president of FCW, Abraham Saddam Washington. Washington challenges Steve Keirn to a debate, and Steve accepts for next week. Abraham Washington is the best thing going on in FCW right now. If Washington can continue what he is doing, I can see him up on the main roster very shortly.

Agent D. (Derrick Bateman) d. Johnny Prime:

Agent D picks up the surprise victory after Alex Riley rams Prime into the outside turnbuckle.

Drew McIntyre d. Sheamus to retain the FCW Championship:

Slow paced match, with both men being heel, but the fans were behind Drew. After about 10 minutes Drew hits his finisher for the win.

Set 2:

Trent Beretta and Caylen Croft come out and claim that they should be FCW Tag Champions. They say that they have beaten everyone on the FCW and are on an impressive winning streak (even though Beretta lost earlier on in the night.)

DJ Gabriel d. Caylen Croft:

DJ wins with his flying uppercut. Good match.

Kris Logan d. Mr. Tarver:

Good match, that ends with Logan hitting his neckbreaker finisher for the win. Every week, Logan seems to be getting better, and is one of the brighter prospects in the developmental system. It's only a matter of time before Tarver gets called up.

Fletcher Chase comes out for the debate between Washington and Steve Keirn. At some point, FCW students comes out and voice their support for Washington.

Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, and DH Smith d. Tyson Kidd, Sebastian Slater, and Eric Escobar:

The finisher saw Kidd clearly in control of Sheamus. Kidd was about to go for his top rope elbow drop, when Slater tagged into the match. Kidd got pissed and turned on Slater, causing Sheamus to pick up the win on Slater.

Alex Riley d. Johnny Prime in a Lumberjack Match:

One of the better matches of the night, but in the end Riley gets the victory over the uber-over Johnny Prime.

Set 3:

Rosa Mendez comes out to take over the ring introductions job from Angela. Rosa talks trash to Angela about being the Queen Of FCW.

The Frenchmen d. Johnny Curtis and Tyler Reks in a non title match:

The Frenchmen (Beretta and Croft with Jenny Cash) came out in French outfits, and even had painted on mustaches and were carrying French bread. I was distracted throughout the match, because Jenny was wearing a French maid outfit. Beretta won with a roll up, and Jenny ran off with the FCW Tag Team Titles.

Tank Rotundo d. John Cutler:

Rotundo is making his FCW TV debut, and got the win over Cutler with a Fisherman's Suplex.

Abraham Washington comes out to talk some more trash on Steve Keirn. Steve comes out with security and kicks Washington out of the FCW arena.

Justin Angel d. Yoshitatsu:

Good match, but a little awkward as both men were faces. Angel wins with his 720 splash.

Angela and Tiffany d. Alicia and Katie Lea Burchill:

Great to see Katie Lea back in FCW, but at the same time she (along with Nattie Neidhart) should be getting TV time. Angela got the win with a reverse DDT on Alicia for the win.

Sebastian Slater d. Tyson Kidd:

Amazing match, with both men giving it there all. Slater used the ropes to get the win via a roll up.

If you live in Tampa or the surrounding areas, and aren't going to FCW every Thursday, then you most not be a wrestling fan. Tickets are only 10 dollars, and the shows are well worth the money.