View Full Version : Judge Wary Of Dog Semen Custody Case

04-10-2009, 08:50 PM
A Michigan family court judge said she was perplexed when a divorced couple appeared before her to argue custody of frozen dog semen.

Family Court Judge Cheryl Matthews of Oakland County Circuit Court in Pontiac said she suspected a prank when lawyers for Karen Scully and Anthony Scully appeared before her Wednesday morning to argue which of the former spouses owns the frozen semen belonging to their Bullmastiffs, dogs that can sell for up to $2,000 each, the Detroit Free Press reported Thursday.

"I asked, 'Am I Being Punk'd?'" Matthews said. "I said, 'Is this a 'Candid Camera' thing?'"

Matthews ruled the dispute wasn't a divorce matter and told the couple they would have to take their arguments to civil court. The case was assigned to Oakland County Circuit Judge Leo Bowman, the Free Press said.

"My best wishes for Judge Bowman," Matthews said.

04-10-2009, 08:59 PM
Thanks for the info, EeL.

04-10-2009, 09:42 PM
like ewwwwwwwwww :sick: