View Full Version : New JR Blog : Josh Mathews and Heenan

04-11-2009, 10:25 AM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry, which you can check out by clicking here. Some highlights from this entry:

- Lots is being made of my pending, new broadcast role in WWE. Personally, it is a non issue to me as I know that I will hopefully still be able to contribute to the broadcasts in a positive manner. Times change, philosophies change, and the constant quest to improve and present the product seemingly never ends. We'll see how it works. I don't plan on stinking the joint out I assure you and I also plan on pushing whoever works with me to raise their game. Time will tell. The new journey will officially unfold after the "Draft" but I start this next phase of my career Friday night on Smackdown. It will be a work in progress but I definitely put in the effort to make it the best it can be.

- The Undertaker is still scheduled to travel on the upcoming European tour after his "near miss" at WM25 in the instant classic versus Shawn Michaels. I would easily surmise that both future HOF'ers will be considerably sore for several days after laying it all on the line in Reliant Stadium.

- For the record, there is no official word as to when HBK is going to retire and I also realize on a recent radio interview that Shawn indicated that WM26 "might" be his last one. I hope that we don't wear this subject out between now and an official announcement by Shawn. HBK is still amazing, who's better, and I hope he sticks around for a few more years but if he does decided to retire he's darned sure earned it. Let's not jump the gun because after the draining experience of a Wrestlemania many veterans tend to re-evaluate their careers. Trust me on that one.

- Happy for Josh Mathews to finally get a cup of coffee on a main line TV show such as ECW. Josh has earned his opportunity and has the youthful look WWE covets. I am truly happy for this hard working, young man.

- I got to visit with Bobby Heenan at WM25 backstage at the HOF. Bobby has been through hell and the visual affects of his jaw reconstruction surgery are evident. He has trouble talking but still has his magnificent sense of humor. He beamed when he showed me photos of his grandson who is a handsome little man indeed. I love Bobby Heenan and trust me when I say that no one EVER in this business was ever better at wrestling/managing/announcing than was "The Brain." Bobby befriended me when I came to WWE in 1993 and I worked WM9 with Bobby and Randy Savage. Bobby was there for me when many in WWE wanted nothing to do with "the WCW guy."


04-11-2009, 05:20 PM
Posted Already: