View Full Version : Ever Heard Of A Four-Eared Feline?

04-11-2009, 12:40 PM
Unlike the cruel and unusual punishment of the cat o'nine tails, this cute cat o' four ears is nothing to be afraid of.


Yoda the cat was born with an extra pair of ears

This is Yoda, a household pet born with an extra set of ears.

Valerie and Ted Rock took the cat in two years ago after visiting a bar in Chicago, Illinois, where a group of curious drinkers were handing him around.

He was one of a large litter, and the Rocks were happy to offer him a home.

Now the couple have to keep him indoors to prevent their rare pet from being cat-napped.

Despite sharing names with Luke Skywalker's diminutive mentor in the Star Wars films, this unique moggy does not have Jedi powers - in fact he does not even have special hearing.

The extra ears are merely flaps of skin, and do not detect sound.

Still, the neighbourhood's mice will not taking any chances.

04-11-2009, 04:19 PM
wow thanks for the post John

04-11-2009, 06:41 PM
That's amazing, but nothing's wrong with the cat.