View Full Version : 4/11 Twilling's ROH on HDNet Live Coverage

04-12-2009, 06:36 AM
ROH on HDNet
Taped in Philadelphia, PA

[Q1] The opening video aired. The narrator ran down the match results from last week. Mike Hogewood and Dave Prazak welcomed us to the show. Hogewood talked about tonight’s main event involving Jerry Lynn. They said Lynn is the new ROH Champion but the show was taped before he won the title...

Twill’s Two Cents: This is why I do not like taping multiple shows at once. It makes the shows worth missing if championships change hands in between television tapings.

Kenny Omega and Austin Aries each gave their pre-match promos...

1. Austin Aries defeated Kenny Omega in 11:31. Austin was greeted with “Austin Asshole” chants. Early on, Aries controlled the mat with arm drags and other chain wrestling holds. Once the pace picked up, Omega impressed with his speed and a very nice dropkick. Omega hit a palm strike to knock Aries to the floor. Omega went to the top and Aries pulled him to the floor.

Some idiot tried to start an “Austin Douchebag” chant but he was literally the lone voice. Aries weared down Omega in the ring with a nerve hold. Austin hit his momentum elbow drop for a two count. Omega fought out of a brainbuster attempt and followed up with a spinning thrust kick and an ensiguiri.

[Q2] Omega hit a series of moves and scored a rapid fire amount of nearfalls. Aries found himself on the floor again. Omega ran from the ring, springboarded onto the second rope and hit a nice moonsault onto Aries. Omega went for an Electric Chair but Austin gauged his eyes. He hit the corner dropkick and followed it up with the brainbuster for the win...

Twill’s Two Cents: That was a lot of fun. Both guys worked very hard and the mixture of mat wrestling, speed, and high flying was a great way to start the show. Aries is always going to wrestle an entertaining match and Omega was with him every step of the way.

Backstage, Kyle Durden interviewed Jerry Lynn. No mention was made of the ROH Title, so maybe the interview was taped earlier too. Lynn put over ROH and told Brodie Lee that the bigger they are, the harder they drop...

2. Delirious defeated Ernie Osiris in 4:07. Hogewood called Delirious’ ring gear a “nice costume.” Wow. They brawled for the first couple of minutes. Delirious hit a headbutt on Ernie as he jumped at him from the top rope. He followed with a leaping lariat for a two count. After a running knee in the corner, he hit the Shadows over Hell (top rope splash to the back) for the win...

Twill’s Two Cents: Forgettable match. It’s a good thing this did not open the show. The match was passable but it was nothing spectacular.

Durden interviewed Jimmy Jacobs and Brodie Lee backstage. Jacobs said people get thrown out of The Age of the Fall because they cannot handle commitment. Lee said he would beat Jerry Lynn tonight...

A graphic for the women’s tag match was shown... [C]

[Q3] 3. Daizee Haze and Nevaeh defeated Sara Del Rey (with Larry Sweeney) and Sassy Stephie in 5:06. Hogewood said “costume” again. Geez. In case you are wondering, Nevaeh is heaven backwards...

Twill’s Two Cents: She is going to feud with someone named Lleh.

Haze and Del Rey opened the bout and Haze grabbed the advantage. Nevaeh scored a nearfall after a combination of moves. They successfully double teamed Del Rey before Sara gained the offensive edge. Stephie was a reluctant partner and Del Rey bullied her own partner throughout the match.

At ringside, Larry Sweeney threatened a fan to meet him in the parking lot after the show. Haze dominated Stephie but Del Rey broke up a pin attempt. Del Rey was thrown to the floor. In the ring, Haze hit the Mind Trip on Stephie for the win...

Twill’s Two Cents: Solid tag team match with Haze doing most of the heavy lifting. Stephie was auditioning to became a member of Sweet and Sour Inc. but it doesn’t look too good for her.

A tale of the tape for Lynn vs. Lee was shown...

4. Jerry Lynn defeated Brodie Lee (with Jimmy Jacobs) in 12:01. Brodie wrestles in a wife beater and jeans. With Osiris earlier, the ring gear looks very Indy. Early on, it was the classic strength vs. speed matchup, but Lee quickly showed Lynn that he could move around a little bit. Brodie sent Lynn to the floor and slowed the pace of the match down.

[Q4] Back in the ring, Brodie scored a nearfall with a powerslam. I don’t know what it sounds like in the arena, but the crowd, minus a few chants, sounded like they were sitting on their hands. Brodie enjoyed a long offensive advantage as Lee hit a series of moves to the lower back of Jerry Lynn. He hit a Michinoku Driver for a two count.

Lynn came back for a split second, but Brodie rammed Lynn into the steel post on the floor. Jimmy Jacobs attacked Lynn on the floor as the announcers sort of argued about it. It seems forced though. Lee applied a bearhug. Lynn fought out as Jacobs screamed at Lee.

Lynn hit a missile dropkick, which sent Lee to the floor. He followed it up with a somersault plancha. In the ring, Lynn hit at TKO for a two count. Lee fought back and scored a nearfall with a double underhook superplex. He scored another nearfall with a Black Hole (Abyss) slam. Out of nowhere, Lynn scored the win with a small package...

After the match, Jacobs berated Lee in the ring. Lynn made eye contact with both me as if to say he respected Lee and had his eye on Jacobs...

They hyped Claudio Castagnoli vs. Brent Albright for next week’s show...

Twill’s Two Cents: I am not sure what to think about this match. First of all, get Brodie Lee some actual ring gear. Secondly, he is impressive for such a big man, but Lynn bounced around like a pinball for him. There was too much down time with Lee owning the offensive advantage, but he showed he can bump, so the match should have been more competitive. Also, having the new ROH Champion score a fluky win is hardly the correct way to present him.