View Full Version : Corgan's Easter treat to Pumpkins fans - new album plans

04-12-2009, 02:10 PM
The Today singer dismissed future albums in a bitter Chicago Tribune article in December (08), blaming the negative reaction to the band's 2007's comeback album Zeitgeist.

Corgan snarled, "We're done with that (releasing albums). There is no point. People don't even listen to it all. They put it on their iPod, they drag over the two singles, and skip over the rest. Our primary function now is to be a singles band, that drives Pumpkins Inc through singles. We'll still be creative, but in a different form."

But, in his first public address since the departure of bandmate Jimmy Chamberlin last month (Mar09), Corgan admits he's in a much happier place and has a series of album projects planned for 2009.

In a post on the band's website, Corgan writes, "I still plan on making an album. I know this may contradict with what I've said publicly, but I think I just didn't state what I meant clearly. I meant I don't think I'm going to make albums in the old-fashioned way, meaning 12-15 songs, etc in one small package.

"My desire at this point would be to release one song at a time, over a period of 2-3 years, with it all adding up to a box set/album of sorts that would also include an art movie of the album... My thinking is that if I focus on one song at a time I would approach them as beautiful, distinct paintings that would each require the attention they deserve.

"I've gotten lost many times during the long haul of making a record and have overlooked some great songs because of that."

Corgan also uses his latest message to fans to apologise for past comments and actions, insisting he's no longer a bitter individual: "For many years I've been really unhappy with the stupidity of the music business (that's no secret!). But now I am free from corporate meddling. No contracts, no deadlines to meet, nothing but rainbows.

"My wish is that from this day forward this group will represent nothing but love and light. If you see BC (Billy Corgan) out there griping, it is only because I have failed to set the proper conditions to be in the love and light with you. The fan is NOT responsible in any way, shape, or form for my happiness or the my ability to do my job... If I have given that impression to any of you through the years I am sorry about that. That was an error on my part. When a fan comes to an SP (Smashing Pumpkins) show, we owe it to you to put on the best show possible, rain or shine."