View Full Version : Coleen: I've always loved children

04-13-2009, 09:18 AM
The wife of Manchester United and England footballer Wayne told the Mail on Sunday's You magazine: "I've always loved having children around. I was the one with the baby on my arm, looking after my little cousins and siblings."

As for continuing to work, she said: "There are so many working women in the public eye who manage, though I can't say for sure what I'll do until I have children."

The 23-year-old, who fronts a TV programme, Coleen's Real Women, and is associated with an ever-growing empire of books, perfume and jewellery, confirmed her pregnancy last week, saying it was "the best thing that's ever happened" to her.

She admits she is not much of a football fan, saying: "I don't watch the football when Wayne's not playing; it's not exciting to me."

However, she bought an executive box at Old Trafford, attends all home games and endures her husband's obsession with the sport, the article says.

"Soon as we come in on a Saturday, Match Of The Day is on. Then on MUTV (the Manchester United channel) the match gets repeated at midnight, so he watches that, too. It's football constantly on the telly."

Asked if she is "bored silly" having seen the match live, she says: "I go to bed. I'm an early bird anyway. If friends come round he'll Sky-plus it, but he's itching to watch. It takes a lot for him to record it and watch the next day."