View Full Version : RAW Results - 26th Jun 2006

07-03-2006, 09:56 PM
RAW Results - 26th Jun 2006
Fayetteville, North Carolina

Quick Results:
- Women’s Title: Mickie James def. Trish Stratus to retain
- Umaga def. Kamala
- Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch def. Val Venis and Viscera
- Randy Orton def. Kane
- WWE Title: John Cena def. Rob Van Dam by disqualification

The fireworks went off in the arena for the start of the show as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcomed us to Monday Night RAW! D-Generation X will take on The McMahon’s tonight as well as Rob Van Dam defending the WWE Championship against John Cena!

Women’s Championship Match
Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James (c)
Referee: Jack Doan

The music of Trish Stratus hit in the arena and she will be making her return to the ring tonight for her shot at the Women’s Championship against Mickie James!

The start:
Trish and Mickie locked up and Trish grabbed a hammerlock and then a side headlock. Mickie reversed but then Trish shoved her into the corner and then rolled her up for two. Trish with a Thesz press and then mounted punches before nailing some clotheslines and a dropkick. Trish with a spinebuster for a two count. Mickie came back with a kick to the shoulder but then Trish nailed a right hand.

The Finish:
Trish with a huricanrana for a two count then Mickie with a superkick to the face. Mickie with a low dropkick for two and then wrenched on the shoulder of Stratus. Mickie worked over the shoulder in the ropes but Trish elbowed her off but then ate a boot to the face. Mickie went for a DDT and scored with it for the victory to retain her Women’s Championship.

Winner and still Women’s Champion: Mickie James

The Aftermath:
The music of Johnny Nitro then hit in the arena as the brand new Intercontinental Champion made his way down with Melina. Trish looks confused as to why they are out here. Melina said that was a tough break and that is quite a comeback match. She said there was once a day where Trish was the top diva, and that day is so over. Melina told Nitro to show her the Intercontinental Title, and he is the only man holding singles gold on RAW. Melina said now she’s looking at the new top diva in the WWE, Melina. Melina said this is the passing of the torch, and she told Trish to get out of the ring or she’ll end up flying out. Trish went after Melina but Nitro grabbed her and then Carlito hit the ring and nailed Nitro and Nitro and Melina bailed.

Carlito is in the back and Trish catches up with him and thanks him. Carlito said last night he had Shelton Benjamin beat and Nitro stole the title from him, and if he thinks he’s going to let him get away with it, it has another thing coming. Carlito said no problem for helping Trish. Trish then whispered something to him and Carlito smiled and said that’s cool.

McMahon is shown backstage and the Spirit Squad can be heard arguing. Shane McMahon tells them enough and that DX had been embarrassing them and Spirit Squad didn’t get the job done. Shane said tonight the Squad will be spectators because if you need something done, you have to do it yourself. Shane said tonight Vince and Shane team up to take on D-Generation X.

In the arena:
The 83rd Airborne from Fort Bragg, North Carolina are shown enjoying the show. We then go to fans opinions on who will walk out of RAW with the WWE Title.

Umaga vs. Kamala
Referee: Chad Patton

The music of Umaga hit in the arena as he was led to the ring by Armando Alejandro Estrada and last night Umaga destroyed Eugene. Umaga then attacked Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Doink the Clown, but Estrada pulled him away from Kamala. Estrada gets on the mic and says for everyone to listen to him. In case you haven’t heard the news, his name is Armando Alejandro Estrada and tonight…Kamala’s music then hit and this is going to be a spectacle. Kamala had Kim Chee in his corner.

The match:
Kamala and Umaga had a face off and then Umaga charged at him but Kamala didn’t move. Kamala hit some chops to the head but then Umaga nailed a body slam Umaga hit a roundhouse kick and then knocked Kim Chee off the apron. Umaga rammed Kim Chee into the ring post on the outside, and then tossed him into the ring. Umaga hit the running back bump in the corner on Kim Chee and then went to the middle rope and hit the diving headbutt on Kamala. Armando snapped the cigar and then Umaga nailed the Samoan Spike on Kamala for the easy win.

Winner: Umaga

Diva Search:
We go to footage from casting for the Diva Search in Los Angeles, hosted by Mike Mizanin and Ashley. We get to see footage of all the hopefuls and then we get to see some of their “talents”. King says will meet the eight finalists later tonight.

In the arena:
Torrie Wilson made her way to the ring and Todd Grisham is in there. The ring has a red carpet down. Grisham says the new Summer Special magazine hits the shelves tomorrow and Torrie is on the cover. We take a look at the cover. K? The music of Edge then hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring with Lita. Edge shoved Grisham out of the ring and called him skidmark, and then shoved over the oversized magazine cover. Edge said that he is the MVP of this show. He said he should be on the cover of magazines, he should be in the main event and without a doubt he should be the WWE Champion. Edge said the fact that RVD calls himself the WWE Champion is a joke. The fact that John Cena has a title match tonight is an even bigger joke, and if he doesn’t get a rematch for the WWE Championship, then he and Lita are getting the hell off of this show. Edge said the fans don’t deserve to see them anyway, and they are out of here. Edge and Lita left the ring and climbed into the crowd and made their way out of the arena! Edge grabs all of his t-shirts that the vendor was selling and they went outside and left!

Maria is in the back and introduces John Cena. Cena said Maria looks good. He says One Night Stand wasn’t his finest hour and stuff didn’t go his way. He said he could’ve interrupted Torrie Wilson and called everyone a joke and just storm out of the arena, or he could suck it up and fight and earn a rematch. Since One Night Stand, he’s had stitches and a black eye. Had chunks of Singapore cane in his forehead and never once did he complain about a rematch, but what he did do was earn the respect of RVD and get a rematch for the WWE Championship. He said he is more focused than ever, and he’s going to take care of business.

Val Venis and Viscera vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch
Referee: Mickey Hensen

The music of Val Venis hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring with Viscera for action with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. Val has been out with an injury for the past few months.

The start:
Cade slapped Venis and then hammered away at his back. Venis came back with a chop and then a clothesline, and then nailed Murdoch. Venis with a right hand on Cade and then sent Cade to the ropes but he made a blind tag and they hit a double team atomic drop and boot to the face. Murdoch nailed some Crossface shots and then Charlie Haas made his way down to ringside. Cade tagged back in and kicked away at Venis and he and Murdoch double teamed him in the corner. Haas seems to be making advances towards Lilian Garcia.

The Finish:
Viscera notices Haas at ringside and gets off the apron. Venis finally makes the tag to Viscera and nails clotheslines to both men, and then slams. Viscera sent them both into the corner and then Haas started to massage Lilian and she got freaked out. Vis hit a splash in the corner on Cade and Murdoch and then nailed Murdoch with a spinning side slam. Haas then grabs Lilian and plants a kiss on her, distracting Viscera, allowing Cade and Murdoch to hit the Sweet N’ Sour for the win.

Winners: Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

The Aftermath:
Haas taunted Viscera and Lilian is screaming at Charlie Haas.

About Us:
We take a look at the first music video from Brooke Hogan, entitled “About Us”. Randy Orton was shown enjoying the music video in the back.

Vince and Shane are shown and Shane is getting Vince pumped up. Shane took out a lamp with a baseball bat, and said tonight they knock the crap out of DX.

In the arena:
The music of Mr. McMahon hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring ready for action here on RAW. Wait a second, it’s Triple H dressed as McMahon walking like a jack ass! Triple H asked for a mic and said cut the music! He said tonight his son Shane and himself will beat the holy hell out of DX, but until then, he’s going to stand here and ramble for no apparent reason. He said what DX did to him last week, it was embarrassing. It was more embarrassing than when Triple H pedigreed him in the middle of the ring exposing his ass to the world. It’s more embarrassing than when Shawn Michaels beat me to within an inch of his life at WrestleMania, and it’s more embarrassing than well…the XFL. He said DX last week brought him a rooster, the implication being that he loves cocks. Well he doesn’t. What he loves is great men, men who are pioneers like his good friend at NBC, Dick Ebersol, or Dick Cheney, or Dick Clark. What he’s getting at is that he, Vincent Kennedy McMahon loves Dicks! He said it, he loves Dicks! He likes big ones, small ones, long ones, skinny ones, white ones, black ones, hell I’ll even do an Asian! I just can’t get enough dicks! He said he’ll be the first to tell you that anyone that gets between to him and his dicks, that You’re Fired! Shane McMahon’s music then hit and it’s Shawn Michaels dressed as Shane, and he’s skipping around like an idiot!

Michaels gets on the mic and says dad, what are you doing, I’m you’re son, the product of your semen, it says right here on my business card! He skips around some more and says that he’s tried to supportive of him through this whole thing, because when you die, the whole McMahon empire will be all his! He skipped around some more and Triple H asked him if he’s mildly retarded. He said Shane has it all wrong. When he passes, he’s going to leave all his money to his beautiful daughter Stephanie and whoever that guy is who knocked her up! Triple H said there’s something about that guy, he must have a bazooka! Shane said no way; you try and leave that money to Stephanie, and bam! Michaels said that Shawn Michaels took his face and shoved it up Vince’s ass! Michaels said he wants one more chance, and he’s so excited he could just dance! He skipped around some more and Vince yells “Stop it” and Shawn collapses. Triple H said he has to out do Shane, and if he wants to play, then you and everyone else…Triple H took off his jacket and said to stand back. We then go to footage of McMahon from back in like 1985 singing and dancing. Triple H and Michaels mocked it while it was being played. This is classic. It was eventually interrupted by the real Mr. McMahon and he came out looking pissed, with Shane by his side. McMahon said it’s about time for this DX crap to come to an end. Which is exactly what his son and him are going to do to them, they’re going to beat the crap out of them. McMahon said he has some observers who are going to join them. The Spirit Squad then came down and McMahon asked what the hell is this? Crap then fell all over the McMahon’s and the Squad on the stage. Triple H then said Holy Shit! King said there’s corn in there and the fans chanted “Holy Shit”. Triple H said just because of Shawn, it is Holy Shit. Michaels said this public service message was brought to you by your friends at DX and if you’re not down with that, they got two wards for ya…SUCK IT!

Ric Flair:
We go to Ric Flair at his home in Charlotte. Flair said last night at Vengeance, Foley proved that he is nothing more than a glorified stuntman who takes the easy way out. Flair said that it’s easier to fall off a cage than learn the fundamentals of wrestling. Flair said it’s easier to grab a barbwire bat and put eighteen stitches in his head. Flair said it’s all crap, just like when Foley wrote that Flair has anything else to do with his career then he’ll be cleaning pools. Flair said he’s a sixteen time champion and has wrestled every bad ass alive, and he’s not one of them. Flair said Foley will be Flair’s all night long. Wooo!

Rob Van Dam is shown warming up in the back and Paul Heyman comes in and said he thinks it’s generous that he’s giving Cena a title shot. Heyman said that RVD is ECW and tonight it’s on WWE terms under WWE rules with a WWE official. Heyman said this is a little risky. RVD told Heyman to relax. RVD took his belts and said he’s got this.

Kane vs. Randy Orton
Referee: Chad Patton

The music of Kane hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring coming off a defeat at the hands of his impostor counterpart last night at Vengeance. Randy Orton then made his way to the ring coming off a win over Kurt Angle last night. Orton looked to be a little put off by the smell in the entrance way.

The start:
Kane and Orton locked up and Kane backed him to the corner and then Orton shoved him away and Kane came back with an uppercut. Orton nailed a dropkick to the knee and then hammered away at the chest of the big man. Kane grabbed Orton by the throat but Orton raked the eyes and then hit a standing dropkick for two. Orton hit some shots to the back and Kane is getting pissed. Kane tossed Orton to the corner and then nailed a big boot. Kane nailed a clothesline in the corner and went for another but Orton got his elbow up.

The Finish:
Kane came back with a side slam and then headed up top. Kane came off with the flying clothesline and then signalled for the chokeslam. The music of the Impostor Kane then hit and he made his way towards the ring. Kane came out and attacked him and stomped away at him. Kane got back in the ring and went for the Tombstone but Orton wiggled out. Kane then went for the chokeslam but then knocked the Impostor off the apron and Orton nailed the RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

The Aftermath:
The Impostor got in the ring but Kane nailed him and then went for the chokeslam and scored with it. Impostor got up and Kane nailed him with another one. The Impostor crawled to the outside and Kane looked disgusted with him. Kane stalked him up the aisle and then chokeslammed him on the stage. Kane went to the back and then came back out and dragged the Impostor backstage with him.

Kane is backstage and pulls off the mask of the Impostor. Kane grabs the mask back, and then threw the guy through some doors and took his mask back.

Diva Search:
We take a look at the eight finalists. There’s a British girl in there. King says they will be on RAW bery soon. Joy.

The Highlanders are shown in a bath room and talk about their arrival in America two weeks ago, and they are preparing to debut in the WWE. One of them takes a shit in a urinal. Let’s move on shall we…

WWE Championship Match
John Cena vs. Rob Van Dam (c)
Referee: Michael Chioda

The music of Rob Van Dam hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring as the WWE Champion and ECW Heavyweight Champion, and the WWE Championship will be on the line here tonight against the man he won it from, John Cena.

The start:
Cena and RVD locked up and Cena with a slam and then a back elbow. Cena sent RVD to the ropes and hit a hip toss for two. RVD came back with a kick to the head in the corner and then leapt up top but Cena pushed him off outside to the floor and he crashed into the barricade as we go to our final commercial tonight on RAW.

Mid-match notes:
Back on RAW and Cena is in control with a face lock on Van Dam. During the break, Cena nailed a huge clothesline on Van Dam. RVD came back with a boot to the face and then a superkick. RVD nailed some right hands with Cena on the apron and went to send him to the turnbuckle but Cena blocked and sent RVD in the buckle. Both traded shots and then Cena started to climb in the corner but RVD volleyed him off the second rope all the way to the floor. RVD went up top and hit a suicide plancha on Cena to the floor. Back in the ring and RVD got a two count. RVD with a leg drop for another two count. RVD went outside and is looking for something. He grabs a steel chair and gets into the ring. The referee takes the chair and then Cena nails RVD with a clothesline and then a flying shoulder. Cena hit the spinning powerslam and then hit the five knuckle shuffle. Cena went for the FU but RVD reversed and hit a step over heel kick. RVD and Cena traded shots and then RVD hit another side kick and then a clothesline.

The Finish:
RVD went for a suplex but Cena countered and then RVD reversed into a German suplex for a near fall. RVD with a slam and then the split legged moonsault for another near fall. Cena came back with a big powerslam for two. RVD hit a side kick from the top and went for the Five Star but Cena rolled out of the way before RVD came off. RVD then went for the rolling thunder but Cena got his knees up. Cena then hit the FU and locked in the STFU. Edge then hit the ring out of nowhere and hammered away at Cena!

Winner by disqualification: John Cena

The Aftermath:
Edge gave Cena a DDT and then nailed RVD with the spear. Edge got in the face of RVD and said he’ll see him tomorrow, and then mocked Cena. Edge left to a chorus of boos and Edge and screwed Cena out of the WWE Title.

Report By: Carl Walsh