View Full Version : Commented about Cena - Rock talks to IGN

04-13-2009, 09:11 PM
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson discussed his WWE career and John Cena during an interview with IGN. "I don't look at myself for being a trailblazer in any way, or paving the way or anything like that, I just know what serves me," Johnson said regarding the transition from wrestling to acting. "John is... umm... he's an interesting guy! And I wish him well in his movie career and, umm, everything else... Haha."

Johnson also said there's no better feeling than performing in front of a live wrestling crowd. "I love being in front of those people because it was very challenging for me every night: it forced me to listen to the audience, because that was my theatre - that stage was my stand-up comedy stage too. What was also important to me, with the fans, was to wink at them every night, and say to them "tonight, you 20, 30,000 thousand people and me are going to be in this together... We're going to be comedic, fun partners, and you're going to dictate to me what I'm going to do." To read the full interview, visit IGN.com.


04-13-2009, 11:34 PM
The full interview would have been great to read, I guess you couldn't get it all.