View Full Version : Sony Confirms Patapon 2 is a "Test Case" For Digital Content

04-14-2009, 07:48 AM
The News: After reports earlier today that the upcoming PSP game Patapon 2 would be selling at retail with a download code in place of an actual UMD in the box, Sony has confirmed this to Ars Technica. Senior Director of Corporate Communications Patrick Seybold said, "We're considering a digital only format for the Patapon 2 release as a one time test case as we continue to explore consumer preferences for digital content." The game's release is still set for May 5.

Our Take: As much sense as this makes, given the number of rumors we've heard about every PSP game having a PSN release and a UMD-less PSP hardware refresh being released, it's still a bit surprising to hear that Sony will entirely abandon the disastrous format in favor of downloads for even a single game. It's unclear if we have all the details clear at this point, but it looks like retailers are going to have a headache on their hands when consumers start questioning employees about why there isn't a game in the box they've just picked up. I can't wait for those stories to surface.