View Full Version : Woman sees home burgled on webcam

04-14-2009, 01:49 PM
A Florida woman who set up a webcam in her home turned on from work to see her house being burgled.

Jeanne Thomas, 43, was sitting in her office 25 miles away when she saw strangers rummaging through her living room.

She called police and said the men were scaring her pets, eating food from her fridge and stealing Nintendo games.

The intruders are thought to have entered the house, in Boynton Beach, by squeezing through a dog flap from the back garden.

Police officers asked Mrs Thomas to stay on the line and describe what the thieves were doing.

She said: "Okay, here's just one. He's running to the front. The other one is trying to figure out which way to go.

"The cat's freaked out. The dogs are hiding. My God. This is crazy. They've got things in their hands."

By this time the officer replied: "Ma'am, it's okay. Officers are surrounding your house. They're not going to get away with anything."

Two men, aged 20 and 19, were arrested inside the house. Two other suspects, both 20, were charged with planning the burglary.