View Full Version : Gran devours snail problem

04-14-2009, 01:50 PM
A Welsh grandmother came up with the perfect solution after her garden became infested with snails - she's eating them.

Oriole Parker-Rhodes was unwilling to trample on or poison the creatures, reports the Daily Mail.

So she regularly feasts on their meat, claiming they are higher in protein and lower in fat than beef.

Miss Parker-Rhodes, 59, of Anglesey, said: "Last summer it was really wet and warm - ideal for snails. I had hundreds in my garden. I was treading on them, and they were also eating our home-grown potatoes.

"I'm quite an organic, perma-culture sort of person and didn't want to trample or poison them. That would be against my principles. So I thought eating them made sense."

Miss Parker-Rhodes said restaurants usually serve six per plate but she serves 12 at a time with salad, garlic, parsley or butter sauce and bread.

"They're perfectly good meat," she added. "They're very high in protein and low in fat. In some ways, they're better than beef."

Miss Parker-Rhodes has now set up an internet blog with recipes at eatinggardensnails.blogspot.com.