View Full Version : More on RVD & Sabu drug situation.

07-03-2006, 11:12 PM
As reported earlier, an article appearing in The Ironton Tribune stated that current WWE & ECW Champion Rob Van Dam and Sabu were both arrested yesterday evening and were found to be in possession of controlled substances.

With this news comes a lot of questions about what kind of reaction WWE will be giving and especially as it relates to the company's new Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy that was put into effect earlier this year on February 27. In revisiting the rules in the policy, you can clearly see the writing on the wall for RVD and Sabu. Here is a breakdown of some of the policy as it relates to this story:

"The non-medical use and associated abuse of prescription medications and performance enhancing drugs, as well as the use, possession and/or distribution of illegal drugs, by WWE Talent are unacceptable and prohibited by this policy, as is the use of masking agents or diuretics taken to conceal or obscure the use of prohibited drugs."

Given the wording, it is obvious that marijuana would fall into the "illegal drugs" category and that it would be a direct violation of the policy. It should be noted that WWE does not include marijuana in the random testing they do unless there is a quote "reasonable cause" to do so. However, the drug is included on the list of prohibited drugs under this listing below.

"Illegal drugs. The possession, use, and/or distribution of any drug made illegal to possess, use and/or distribute by the laws of the United States of America and/or any of its fifty states is prohibited by this Policy."

In regards to Vicodin being found in the bust, which was allegedly said to be in the possession of Rob Van Dam, it would fall under the category of "prescription drugs." WWE's policy does have a section for that in regards to non-medical use. The policy states that a legitimate prescription is required by a physician and that drugs purchased over the internet and/or from suppliers wouldn't be considered legal. So, if RVD doesn't have a legitimate perscription, he would be in direct violation of the policy.

Item 13 in WWE's Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy is very clear on the punishment for violating the law. It states:


Any Talent who is arrested, convicted or who admits to a violation of law relating to use, possession, purchase, sale or distribution of prohibited drugs will be in material breach of contract and subject to immediate dismissal."

Given how much media attention WWE's drug testing policy has received since February, it will be very interesting to see how the company handles this situation given that it is already out in the public eye as we head into Monday Night RAW tonight in Philadelphia. As of now, WWE & ECW Champion Rob Van Dam is still scheduled to take part in the "Pick Your Partner" Triple Threat Tag Team Match along with John Cena and Edge. Some had even hoped Sabu would be picked as RVD's partner tonight before the above information was released.

Thanx to PWInsider

King Venomation - X
07-03-2006, 11:53 PM
Wow, so Sabu and RVD could soon be gone. I think they will need them too much though, so I really don't know what WWE will do about this.

That Rob
07-04-2006, 01:18 AM
I think as punishment for RVD he may accually lose the WWE title tomorrow and be removed from the match at SNME. Sabu will be taken off TV for a long time and as soon as RVD loses his title in ECW he will be suspended. I don't see WWE taking this crap and if they don't punish these guys then what mesage does that send to the other talent: If you are needed in a storyline or are the current champ do what you want because we need you? Or something along those lines.

Death Before Dishonor
07-04-2006, 01:26 AM
This is kinda ironic, because I was just watching ECW ONS 05 and Heyman said that he was smokin joints with Van Dam in the back...
Guess he was right!

07-04-2006, 02:43 AM

WWE.com has an article up about the arrival of Rob Van Dam and Sabu to the Wachovia Center earlier today in Philadelphia where the RAW and SmackDown TV tapings will be held tonight.

The article notes both arrived at 1:30pm ET and went into a meeting right away with WWE's Vice President of Talent Relations John "Johnny Ace" Laurinaitis.

Laurinaitis was quoted as saying both would be eligible to compete on RAW tonight (which might have told us right there that Sabu will be RVD's partner tonight) and for ECW on Sci Fi tomorrow. After that, WWE will conduct an investigation while both have a court date on Thursday morning at Ironton Municipal Court.


This was also sent in:

Just wanted to pass along that I live 10 minutes from Ironton, Ohio where RVD and Sabu were arrested in Hanging Rock. They for sure picked the wrong area to speed at, the initial reason they were pulled over in the first place. The Hanging Rock area on highway U.S. 52 is known for its speed enforcement by state police. In fact, a little over 10 years ago a local radio comic Duckie Crabtree made a parody of the country music hit song "Little Rock" by Colin Raye, and called it "Hanging Rock" and it was about a "speed trap" in Hanging Rock.

the madscotsman
07-04-2006, 02:08 PM
if they are fired then they'll go to TNA and wwe won't want that.

Swamp Acid
07-04-2006, 07:32 PM
I was just thinking, Vince always finds a way out of situations. He will find a loop hole on keeping both Sabu and RVD(well at least RVD).

Now, here is the scenerio that I see playing out:(In Kayfabe)

Vince will fire both of Sabu and RVD from the WWE, but Paul Heyman can say "The drug policy is WWE policy and not ECW policy!" This way they can keep both of the stars and not have to release them. I know it kind of contradicts what the WWE policy is but it will look a lot less hipocritical if Vince plays it off like this.

This way they keep Sabu and RVD employeed and the ECW brand intact. Lets face it ECW isn't doing that well at the moment and RVD and Sabu getting fired would put the final nail in the brands coffin.