View Full Version : Jade wanted Jack to find love again

04-14-2009, 06:53 PM
Jade Goody told her husband Jack Tweed to look for a new partner as she lay on her deathbed, it has been revealed.

The reality TV star, who died last month aged 27, kept a diary of her battle with cervical cancer, and wrote of her love and admiration for Jack, who nursed her through her final weeks.

In an entry in Jade: Forever In My Heart, extracts of which appear in this week's OK! magazine, she wrote that she had told Jack she didn't want him to stay single after her death, saying: "I told Jack, 'I want you to meet someone nice'."

She went on: "Jack looked horrified. 'I don't want anyone else', he said."

In the March 11 entry - 11 days before Jade died - she wrote: "My husband is so lovely to me. He cleans my teeth, he changes my underwear, washes me gently with a flannel. The nurse showed him how to lift me gently. I could feel him putting his hands under me so lightly. I feel all bony now, but he didn't hurt me at all."

Jade also wrote of her happiness at receiving messages of goodwill from singer Michael Jackson and the Queen.

Jack, 21, was jailed for 12 weeks by magistrates in Harlow, Essex, today (Tuesday April 14) for assaulting a taxi driver, and was told he would have been given a longer sentence had it not been for the "recent change in (his) personal circumstances".