View Full Version : UFC To Respond To WWE Challenges, UFC vs. WWE Star In MMA?

the madscotsman
07-04-2006, 02:23 PM
According to the Wrestling-Observer Newsletter, a highly-ranked UFC official said that the company no longer plans to ignore WWE's public "challenges."

While UFC let Angle's storyline "open challenge" to anyone from a 4-, 6- or 8-sided ring go unaddressed, it will not be doing that in the future. If WWE attempts to put one of its wrestlers over as superior to MMA fighters, it will respond to put public pressure on WWE to make the match happen.

"Now that we have exposure, we're not going to be ignoring stuff like this. We'll go public and have Chuck Liddell accept any public challenges or claims they'll make," the source said.

cool man I think that would rock.
the iceman chuck lidell, ufc lightheavyweight champion. vs the great Khali, big tall scary lookin-****.

07-04-2006, 08:59 PM
Rematch, Lesnar vs. Angle, now that sounds good...

07-04-2006, 09:04 PM
I'd take Angle over Liddell. Kurt's an olympic athlete while Liddell is a fighter, granted a very good one but still I'd take a man who's beaten the best from the entire world over someone who's beat some streetfighters turned UFC guys.

Adam Copeland2
07-04-2006, 09:05 PM
^^^WOW....dat wud be a dream rematch for me.

Dark Drakan
07-04-2006, 09:13 PM
Could be some interesting matches!

07-04-2006, 10:12 PM
I like that idea and I hope the WWE calls them out again. This could be pretty cool to see. I wouldn't mind seeing Lidell take Kurt on.

07-06-2006, 10:36 PM
the iceman chuck lidell, ufc lightheavyweight champion. vs the great Khali, big tall scary lookin-****.
Lookin' forward to that. :wink:

07-07-2006, 12:18 AM
Unless WWE wants to get one of it's wrestlers killed or paralyzed, I would advise against this. While WWE claims to be "sports entertainment", the UFC is pure sport. There is no way any WWE wrestler would have any success in a real fighting competition against any pro fighter from UFC.

I'd take Angle over Liddell. Kurt's an olympic athlete while Liddell is a fighter, granted a very good one but still I'd take a man who's beaten the best from the entire world over someone who's beat some streetfighters turned UFC guys.You really are naive to how the UFC works. These guys aren't street fighters, they are trained athletes. They are in better physical condition than WWE wrestlers. When these guys work out, it's to improve endurance and generally be stronger than their opponent. When WWE guys work out, it's for show.

Angle has beaten the best wrestlers in the world, not the best fighters. If anything, Olympic style mat-wrestling is farther from ultimate fighting than pro wrestling is. In pro wrestling, at least there is the illusion that you are trying to hurt someone. Your own statement "Kurt's an olympic athlete while Liddell is a fighter" only supports the theory that Liddell (the fighter) would win in a shoot fight.

07-10-2006, 12:26 AM
I genuinely think most of these "threats" were said in the knwoledge that the UFC would not respond. You remember the crap Ken Shamrock got for crossing over. I also think that we might underestimate some of the fighting skills of the WWE stars. They normally are good wrestlers and anyone can learn to strike. Although I certainly think the majority of wins would go to the pro fighters. Saying that though, WWE only needs to win one don't they?

07-10-2006, 02:11 AM
well takers a good striker and ehs a ufc fan

07-10-2006, 02:16 AM
I genuinely think most of these "threats" were said in the knwoledge that the UFC would not respond. You remember the crap Ken Shamrock got for crossing over. I also think that we might underestimate some of the fighting skills of the WWE stars. They normally are good wrestlers and anyone can learn to strike. Although I certainly think the majority of wins would go to the pro fighters. Saying that though, WWE only needs to win one don't they?

We might underestimate the fighting skills of pro wrestlers, but I don't. I'm sure some of these guys who have amateur wrestling and boxing backgrounds would make decent pro fighters, if they trained for a few years. It would involve much more than just learning to strike. Even if someone like Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Charlie Haas, etc would make a really good fighter, the pro fighters of the UFC are much better than really good.

The guys you see at any UFC event aren't just in it for the money, they are there for the challenge. Aside from the realness, pro fighting is different from pro wrestling in the aspect of a wrestler is required to know how to do things right, how to sell injuries, how to react to the crowd, etc. Pro fighters train themselves to win. Once they step into the Octagon, that's all that matters. They don't care whether or not they look pretty doing it. They want a decisive and dominating win, but aside from the judges, they are not trying to impress anyone. I doubbt that even the most skilled and mentally determined pro wrestler would be able to just turn that on like a switch.

I'm glad you mentioned Ken Shamrock. A lot of people get confused over that whole situation. Shamrock was already a veteran pro fighter before he tried pro wrestling. He was already a star. He realized that if he could emulate the whole concept of kayfabe that he could make the same money he was making in ultimate fighting without risking his body as much. He had a somewhat successful pro wrestling career with the highlight of it being (IMO) winning the NWA World Title, not feuding with Triple H. Anyway, Shamrock easily made the transition from pro fighter to pro wrestler. Don't make the mistake in thinking it's easy to go vice versa.

07-11-2006, 09:08 PM
Hey Assasin, I completely agree with you. Most WWE wrestlers don't have the kind of expereince in UFC fighting as actual UFC fighters. Kurt Angle had major wrestling backrounds obviously he won gold medal in 1996, but UFC is a lot more ruthless, involving a lot of punching and karate/boxing in it. It marks knockouts and Angle didn't knock ne1 out to win his gold medal. Idk, all in all, I think WWE is gonna listen to what UFC had to say and they r gonna stay away from a UFC fight, the last thing they want is one of their stars getting seriously hurt.

07-13-2006, 02:23 AM
Tito Ortiz vs Kurt Angle

Angle beat his butt!!

07-15-2006, 03:12 AM
ne1 in wwe would get totaly pwn'd no way they can stand up n mma...