View Full Version : WWE SmackDown/ECW House Show Results (4/22/09) - Birmingham, United Kingdom

04-23-2009, 07:01 AM
Wrestling News World reader Felipe sent the following results:

I attended the Smackdown/ECW house show at the LG arena in Birmingham tonight and thought I would send results.

* Evan Bourne b. Tyson Kidd
- Good match to start us off, crowd very behind Bourne. Evan got the win with the shooting star press.

* Bella Twins & Gail Kim b. Maryse, Katie Lea & Natalya in a 6 diva tag match
- Poor match, crowd very dead. Gail Kim got the pin fall for her team.

* MVP b. R-Truth & Shelton Benjamin
- Huge pop for Truth when he did his entrance, Massive heat for Shelton, while MVP was very overwith the crowd, Shelton hit the paydirt on Truth, then MVP hit the Playmaker on Shelton for the victory. Good solid match.

* Finlay W/Hornswoggle bt Mark Henry
- Belfast Brawl stipulation for this match. Crowd popped for Finlay throughout. Finlay won after using the Shillelagh on Henry.

* Jack Swagger b. Christian
- Nice outing ahead of Backlash, good interaction with the crowd from both, Christian major favorite! Swagger won via the gut wrench powerbomb.

* Jeff Hardy b. Matt Hardy
- Good solid match from these two crowed massively behind Jeff, who won with a twist of fate, followed by a swanton bomb.

* Triple H & Undertaker b. Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes
- Before bell sounded HHH chased Orton out of the arena, Taker was noticeably limping throughout. Taker got the win after a chokeslam on DiBiase. After the match HHH then gave Rhodes a Pedigree while taker delivered a tombstone to DiBiase to close the show.

Overall great experience, my first WWE live event. Undertaker’s entrance is something special, especially live!

Biggest Pop:
Evan Bourne
Jeff Hardy

Most Heat:
Jack Swagger
Randy Orton
Shelton Benjamin