View Full Version : Charlie Hass - SMACKDOWN BOUND!

04-28-2009, 06:22 AM
But more so now than ever, I am truly excited for what the future holds...(which will be a great year no doubt, thanks to the fact that I was able to share another birthday with my "Uso" here). Not only is Smackdown my new home away from home, the European tour that I just got back from made me miss my Haas girls more than ever.

Jackie would like to thank each and every one of you guys and girls out there for the tremendous support of her in Wrestlemania 25...hard to believe that it was 5 years ago that I was chasing after my now wife, as we were both in matches. What a neat thing to expierence as parents to be able to have your children (even if they are little) daddy AND mommy on the grandest stage of them all...Mania!

"It was such a thrill to be back there in the ring again...thanks to all the fans that made it more thrilling than ever!" straight from Jackie there...see if you can find her amungst all the Divas past and present!

SO now, the question is....or should I say the statement is : Smackdown, here comes the Haas! Being on the Raw Roster has brought me back into the WWE but now that I am returning to SD, I can honestly say that I feel a bit more at home! From the matches of Team Angle, Rico . Miss Jackie & I (whatever you want to call that matchup) and WGTT...I have always called Friday Nights "home". LET ME KNOW ALL YOUR THOUGHTS AND IDEAS FOR HOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE ME BACK IN ACTION! I know that I have several of my own and if I have anything to say about it - you will see me DO something about it!!

Until next time - check out the all new CustomMuscle.com - Jackie has been working hard on all that is to come, alongside JBL! Layfield Energy and HMB and everyother health and nutritional product you could ever want is here...look out world - our pricing BEATS bodybuilding.com and soon ,very soon, there will be much, much more Customizing your Muscles needs thanks to all involved!!

04-28-2009, 06:34 AM
wow thanks for this John