View Full Version : Triple H to be out of action until Summerslam?

Kenpachi Zaraki
04-28-2009, 09:00 AM
Credit: PWInsider.com

Following last night's injury angle at Backlash, Triple H is expected to be out of action until the summer.

He will be back in time for a revenge angle this summer as the early plan for the main event at Summerslam is Triple H vs. Randy Orton.

What will actually be a surprise is if this current plan stays intact knowing how WWE changes plans on a regular basis.

04-28-2009, 06:47 PM
that sucks I was hoping for a return in time for extreme rulez

04-28-2009, 11:52 PM
NOOOO! No more Triple H vs Randy Orton! Please NO! Keep him on the shelf for a year, I don't care, keep him off my TV and away from Orton! It wasn't good in 2004, it wasn't good last year, and it's not good this year!

04-29-2009, 12:15 AM
he will come back to reform dx with hbk theres a uk tour in november called the dx invasion tour

04-29-2009, 03:48 AM
Same old crap. It would've been much better if Batista turned heel, costed HHH the title and he comes back for revenge against him instead of Orton. Plus, Big Show vs. Orton for the WWE title is a better match for the upcoming ppv.

04-29-2009, 03:51 AM
Look what has happened on the first Raw he wasn't at, we saw Miz get a push. Only good things to come.