View Full Version : Preview: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)

04-28-2009, 04:31 PM

Naughty Dog's logo flashes up on the screen. The sound fades in as the logo swaps for gameplay. The first thing I notice is protagonist Nathan Drake standing on a concrete ledge looking down on what looks to be ruins filled with military men (pretty much what I was expecting when I'd heard the developers would be showing the game). The red and green names above each character, though, are a surprise. Realization dawns on everyone in the room at roughly the same time as we all take a collective breath. That's right, Uncharted 2 will have a multiplayer mode. Several modes, actually, from typical Team Deathmatch to Plunder, the game's take on Capture The Flag, to three-person co-op scenarios.

While multiplayer, done well, is always a welcome addition, my first crotchety reaction is to wonder whether it's a necessary one for Uncharted 2. After all, the original's storytelling, not the gunplay, is what kept me playing to the end (though, perhaps like some of you, I didn't particularly enjoy the crazy supernatural ending). And really, not all games that involve shooting need to have multiplayer; so, how can Naughty Dog reconcile that experience with Nathan Drake's solitary moments?

So far, it turns out, co-op is my favorite of the three new modes. It's also the longest in duration. Unlike Team Deathmatch and Plunder, co-op uses actual, in-game locations (whereas the competitive modes simply use art assets in new arena configurations). Rather than let you play through the single-player game with buddies, arguably making it more difficult to tell Nathan's story, Naughty Dog has put in special co-op side missions. Areas that may be clear when you travel through them in the single-player game will be swarming with enemies in the co-op side missions, letting you see them in a different light.

Chloe is playable here, along with Sully and Nathan (Elena's available in competitive multiplayer, but neither her nor Sully are confirmed to be in the single-player game), and seeing her in action is heartening; she's definitely got character. For example, when you creep up behind enemies, you can use a sneak attack finisher. Nathan has a pretty standard "all-business" neck-snapping move, but Chloe leaps onto the opponent's back for her chiropractic ministrations. Her melee move set also includes one particularly flashy maneuver that involves her hitting the ground, sliding past the enemy, and giving him a swift kick.

You can try to go off on your own, shooting up the baddies, but some obstacles require you and your teammates to gather together in one spot before you can trigger the next event. And if you ever fall in battle, you'll pray a considerate teammate's nearby as they only have a limited window of opportunity to revive you.

As expected, Team Deathmatch pits the good guys against the a group of villains decked out in black mercenary garb. The gunplay controls a bit tighter than in the original game, but mostly uses the same cover and fire mechanics. Though also like the first game, moving from cover to cover is a bit awkward. Since bullet damage is still pretty low (meaning adversaries take a good deal of hits before biting the dust), the guys I played with tended to use a lot of run and gun tactics, only taking cover to rest a second and regain health.

Plunder is much the same, except in this mode you and your teammates fight against the other team for control of a golden statue. Once you grab it, you must tote it across the map and bring it to your safe house to win a round; the best of three rounds wins the game. The person who grabs their opponent's flag has to be careful though; with the treasure in hand, you move slower than normal and only have access to one hand for firing a weapon (limiting you to the pistol). You can, however, drop the treasure at any time -- you can even throw it at your opponent if you like. And unlike the Team Deathmatch maps, the Plunder maps seem more maze-like (though this may not be indicative of the final maps that'll be available) making it easy to get lost. Luckily, on-screen arrows indicate roughly in which direction the treasure is. (Or maybe not so lucky if you're the one with the treasure in hand.)

Of course, what's a bit of competitive shooting without other incentives? Each round won earns you money, which you can then use to purchase perks or skills, like steadier aim, that you can equip in one of two available upgrade slots. You can also find treasure strewn about each level (in the competitive and cooperative modes) that you'll be able to exchange for in-game currency. Certainly, the treasures and monetary system make multiplayer and co-op much more appealing, at least for collect-a-thon addicts (like me), or those wanting to upgrade their multiplayer skills. The three-player co-op side missions are also a nice compromise between indulging my social-gaming side while preserving Uncharted's Drake-only mystique.

Despite the obvious pros multiplayer provides, I was disappointed that players didn't seem to use the newly touted "traversal combat" much. The co-op mission had a few vertical moments, but it's rarely during an onslaught of enemies. And the other maps were largely horizontal throughout (with a few areas that let you climb up a ladder or the side of a wall)...or perhaps the idea of climbing around just didn't occur to anyone (maybe after growing accustomed to this through the single-player game, play tactics would be different). If anything, though, this short bout with the multiplayer action just has me all the more excited for the next time I can check the real meat of Drake's new adventure -- the single-player. Naughty Dog, you tease.