View Full Version : TNA Champion Mick Foley Blogs About The Late Andrew "Test" Martin

04-29-2009, 02:19 AM
TNA Champion Mick Foley posted a new blog on his MySpace page today. Below is his latest in its entirety:

"I had a really great weekend, and planned to share some of it with all of you, and maybe even tease a little bit of upcoming "Impact" for you.

I got home around midnight, and was looking around a drawer for something - a pen, a piece of paper, I guess it doesn't matter. I ended up finding a folded piece of paper with some phone numbers on it - which is usually what I do with my phone messages. Fold them up, put them somewhere, answer them sometime. Except that this paper had a number that I never got around to calling. It was a call from Andrew Martin.

I once told Test that if I didn't like him I wouldn't waste time in my books ribbing him. He knew I liked him, and he was actually one of the few guys I kept in semi-regular touch with when I wasn't regularly around the business. The calls never seemed that important - he'd tell me he had to "take a Foley" and I'd tell him to make sure to "wipe your Test". But before he hung up, he'd always say "bye buddy". Looking at that number on the folded piece of paper now, I sure wish I could have heard him say it one more time."


04-30-2009, 06:51 AM
thanks for this post