View Full Version : Daivari Rants

Black Widow
05-01-2009, 12:54 PM
Is it cliche to start a blog saying how I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written one?

April is here and it is tax season. And the biggest crock of shit in my opinion if Federal Income Tax. What does Federal Income Tax cover? Is it schools and parks in my community? No, that's property tax. Is it the roads and freeways? No, that's tolls and gas tax. Is it the infrastructure of my local government? No, that's state income and sales tax. Why does the government collect a Federal Income Tax then? Because the Government was in debt (to privatized borrowers might I add), and collected monies from it's citizens to get out of the hole during the depression and two following World Wars. But something happened. Even though the 16th amendment found it unconstitutional to put new taxes in place, and the government did received a bail out from it's citizens, the Federal Income Tax still stood. Even to a point where in the 90's under Clinton's administration we had a balanced budget. All taxes claimed by the government are written as law on a state or federal level. The Federal Income Tax has yet to be produced written on paper as law. But like is the case with pirates and bandits, those with the guns have the powers. And the IRS has ruined many lives of people fighting to prove this cause. The IRS has unlimited resources to battle this cause, because their unlimited resources are collected by us every year come April. All federal income tax collected goes to pay of the annual INTEREST of the debt the United States Government owes the Federal Reserve System per year i.e. the minimum payment due on your credit card each month. And the Federal Reserve System no longer backs it's money bills by gold (since it was privatized 1913), they are now a certificate of debt. And when they see fit they pump more money bills into the system, decreasing the value of each note (and our nation's currency) but also increase our debt as that's what these money notes are now. A unit of increasing debt. As it states right on the money bills "This note is legal tender for all DEBTS, public and private."



05-01-2009, 09:23 PM
wow thanks for the read Ryan

05-02-2009, 04:18 PM
Thank you very very very very very much for this it was a fantastic read!

Before The Beginning
05-02-2009, 08:54 PM
Wow, right on the money. Thanks