View Full Version : More Raw Notes

05-05-2009, 07:12 AM
House was near capacity-very few seat left
-The Big Show-Cena angle went on way to long. It ended up being a big time bathroom/concession stand break.
-Merchandise sales were great. I heard people complaining that some items were sold out
-For the main event, Legacy came out and then went in back and came out again to that boring music of Randy Orton's.
-After Raw went off the air, Batista came down and challenged Legacy to a 3 on 1 and then a 2 on 1. Advertised was a 2 on 1 of Cena and HHH vs Legacy. It ended up being Batista/Cena vs Legacy. Finish saw a Batista Bomb on Ted and an Attitude Adjustment on Rhodes both at the same time.

-Flyers were passed when you came in advertising RAW back in Buffalo on Monday October 26th. With tickets on sale this Saturday.

-Personal note: We know that the WWE is now PG. In front of me were 3 kids all under 10. They predicted the results of the Legacy matches. So if a 10 year old already predicts the booking, Vince needs to shake things up and surprise us all.

The King
Beth Phoenix (She's a local girl)

Big Show & the excessive to long angle