View Full Version : WWE Superstars taping results for this week

Kenpachi Zaraki
05-05-2009, 09:09 AM
- Close to 14,000 in the building. Superstars match forthcoming.


+ Goldust defeated Chavo Guerrero

+ Kelly Kelly and Santina defeated Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendes

05-05-2009, 08:37 PM
yay for goldust!

05-06-2009, 05:49 AM
More results

WWE Superstars: (Airing Thursday)

* Chris Jericho b. John Morrison
- Morrison is in control early on. Drop kick on Jericho sending him to the outside. Jericho gets back in and plants an elbow to his face. Jericho throws Morrison to the outside. He slams Morrison's head on the table and throws him back into the ring. Jericho works on the neck of Morrison as he attempts to battle back. They go back and forth. Chris connects Walls of Jericho but Morrison gets to the ropes. A bulldog is reversed and Morrison hits a spinning moonsault from the middle rope. Morrison remains in control until a Shelton Benjamin's music hits and he appears on the screen. While Morrison is distracted, Jericho hits the Code Breaker to get the win.

* Edge is up next with the "Cutting Edge." Jeff Hardy is his special guest. Edge talks about his past with John Cena and how he was the Last Man Standing. He talks about how he will get rid of another rival at Judgment Day. Jeff Hardy talks about beating Edge for the title. Jeff goes on to talk about being screwed out of the Title at Royal Rumble. Edge reflects on the last ten years. He brags about how he's taken advantage of his opportunities. He then calls Hardy a loser. Hardy hits Edge with Twist of Fate followed by a Swanton Bomb. He raises up the title.

* Finlay b. Zack Ryder
- Ryder comes out with a new look. He's cut his hair and is wearing a head band. Boring quick match. Finlay controls throughout and hits the Celtic Cross for the win.

-Prior to RAW on Monday night, the other match scheduled to air with the aforementioned matches/segments on "WWE Superstars" this week is as follows:

Kelly Kelly and "Santina" Marella defeated Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendes in a tag team match.