View Full Version : ECW on Sci-Fi Report for May 5th, 2009

05-06-2009, 08:47 AM
ECW on Sci-Fi Report
May 5th, 2009
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We are live on tape from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and your announcers are Josh ‘Some day I will be able to grow a playoff beard’ Mathews and Matt ‘Please don’t throw hats, they will scare some people’ Striker.

We see footage from last week when Tyson Kidd defeated Fit Finlay because Finlay didn’t have his son to help him cheat.

Match Number One: Evan Bourne versus Tyson Kidd with Natalya

They lock up and they go to a stalemate. They lock up again and Kidd with a waist lock but Bourne with a standing switch and Kidd with another standing switch. Bourne with an arm drag but Kidd with a head scissors. Bourne with a side head lock and Kidd tries to get out of the hold. Kidd backs Bourne into the corner and Kidd with an elbow and side head lock take down. Bourne with a drop kick to Kidd for a near fall. Bourne punches Kidd and Kidd punches back. Bourne goes to the floor and Natalya distracts him long enough for Kidd to come up behind him, but Bourne is able to stop Kidd with a punch. Kidd misses an elbow when Bourne tries to return to the ring. Bourne with a head scissors and Kidd goes to the floor and he seeks advice from Natalya as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kidd sends Bourne into the turnbuckles. Bourne with an Irish whip but he charges into an elbow. Bourne with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Bourne with a forearm and clothesline in the corner. Bourne follows Kidd into the corner and Bourne lands on the turnbuckles but Kidd with a kick that forces Bourne to the mat awkwardly. Kidd waits for Bourne to get up and he kicks Bourne in the ribs. Kidd with a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Bourne counters a belly-to-back into a cross body for a near fall. Kidd with another snap mare and a kick to the back for a near fall. Kidd locks the arms and he has Bourne in a version of a camel clutch. Bourne runs to the buckles and Kidd hits the top turnbuckle. Kidd with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Kidd works on the back and he reapplies a rear chin lock and he has his knee in Bourne’s back. Bourne with a kick to the leg and then he hits a knee to the jaw after Kidd blocks a kick from Bourne. Bourne with a series of kicks and then he charges into a boot from Kidd. Bourne hits a spin kick from the turnbuckles but he can only get a two count. Bourne with kicks to the chest followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Bourne with a kick to Kidd but Kidd sends Bourne to the apron. Natalya pulls Bourne off the apron and then Kidd with a baseball slide. Kidd goes up top but Finlay makes his way to the ring and Finlay hits Kidd in the leg with the shillelagh. Bourne with the shooting star press for the three count.

Winner: Evan Bourne

We see footage from Jack Swagger’s attack during the main event between Christian and Tommy Dreamer.

Jack Swagger is in the back and we go to commercial.

We are back and Josh Mathews is in the ring to bring out Jack Swagger. Josh asks Jack about his actions during the match between Christian and Tommy Dreamer. Jack says that was justice. It was not right that someone else got an ECW Title match before him. Josh wants to know why it matters who the champion is at Judgment Day. Jack says that it matters to him. He added prestige and credibility to the title and then Christian comes in and he cheats his way to his ECW Title. Jack says that it is not fair that Christian cheated. Jack says that it isn’t fair. Instead of giving the first title match to him, Christian gives it to a washed up Tommy Dreamer. Jack says that Tommy Dreamer is the fat and cholesterol of ECW. In five weeks, we will unclog our arteries of Fatty Dreamer forever. Jack says that he is happy that he stopped Tommy’s dreams again.

Tommy Dreamer comes to the ring and he attacks Jack Swagger, but Swagger leaves the ring before Dreamer can affect his LDL count.

Tiffany is in her office and she says that she is happy to see Zack Ryder on ECW. On Superstars, Zack will face Finlay. Zack worries about Finlay messing up his hair.

We have a Vladimir Kozlov video package and then we go to commercial.

We are back and they are happy that they outdraw the NHL Playoffs (not that I was watching ECW instead of hockey).

Match Number Two: Jesse Guilmette versus Vladimir Kozlov

Kozlov throws Guilmette to the mat. Kozlov throws Guilmette to the mat one more time. Kozlov with a take down and then he trips Guilmette to the mat. Kozlov with a head butt to the chest followed by an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Kozlov with a head butt to the chest as Guilmette comes off the ropes. Kozlov with a choke slam for the three count.

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

After the match, Kozlov gets on the mic and he talks about whatever he wants in Russian.

It is time for the Raw Rebound when Shane McMahon was able to beat up three men, but not an inanimate object.

Gregory Helms is with Mark Henry in the interview area that is too extreme. Gregory asks Mark if this is a chance to restate his dominance. Mark says that his dominance does not need restating. When he wants something he takes it, he does not ask. Tonight, Christian is his victim.

We go to commercial.

We see footage of Christian’s victory over Jack Swagger at Backlash.

Match Number Three: Christian versus Mark Henry with Tony Atlas

They lock up and Henry sends Christian to the mat. Christian with punches to Henry but Henry stays on his feet. Henry with kicks to Christian and Christian goes down. Henry with a forearm to the back and then he chokes Christian in the ropes. Henry with a head butt to send Christian to the mat again. Henry sends Christian to the mat again and he gets a near fall. Henry with an Irish whip and he charges into a boot. Christian with the pendulum kick to Henry and then he tries for a sunset flip but Henry does not go down. Henry tries to drop down but Christian moves. Christian with a drop kick that sends Henry into the ropes.

Jack Swagger comes out and he attacks Christian and the referee calls for the bell.

No Contest

Tommy Dreamer comes out to attack Jack Swagger and Henry and Swagger leave the ring.

Tiffany comes out and she announces that there will be a tag match.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three . . . Part Two: Christian and Tommy Dreamer versus Jack Swagger and Mark Henry

The match is joined in progress and Swagger with an Irish whip to Christian but Christian with an elbow. Dreamer tags in and Christian with a drop toe hold to Swagger but Dreamer with an elbow drop for a near fall. Dreamer goes to the turnbuckles and hits a clothesline for a near fall. Dreamer with a kick to Swagger but Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex and Henry is tagged in. Henry kicks Dreamer and he punches Dreamer. Henry with a head butt that sends Dreamer to the mat. Henry works on Dreamer’s neck and then he sends Dreamer to the mat. Henry stands on Dreamer’s chest. Swagger is tagged back in and he kicks Dreamer in the chest. Swagger with a front face lock on Dreamer and Dreamer tries to make the tag but Swagger takes Dreamer to the mat to keep him from making the tag. Swagger continues to apply the front face lock. Dreamer with a back body drop and both men are down. Christian is tagged in and he punches Henry followed by a clothesline but Henry stays on his feet. Christian with a European uppercut from the turnbuckles but Henry stays on his feet. Christian with a clip followed by a Liger kick for a near fall. Christian attacks Swagger on the apron but Henry with a body block. Swagger with a splash from the turnbuckles and then he chokes Christian with his knee. Swagger with a double underhook on Christian and then he runs Christian into his corner and Henry is tagged in. Henry with head butts and forearms to Christian as Christian collapses to the mat. Henry returns to Christian’s neck. Swagger tags in and he connects with elbow drops for a near fall. Christian kicks Swagger and connects with forearms but Swagger tries for a back body drop but Christian tries for a sunset flip. Christian with a tornado inverted DDT and both men are down. Swagger with a front face lock to Christian but Christian escapes and he hits a neck breaker and both men are down again.

Dreamer tags in and he connects with a clothesline and punch. Dreamer with a drop kick to Henry on the apron and then he hits a neck breaker on Swagger. Dreamer with the bulldog after an Irish whip but he can only get a two count. Swagger charges into an elbow and then Dreamer puts Swagger in the Tree of Woe. Henry charges at Dreamer but Dreamer moves and Henry splashes into Swagger. Christian with a drop kick to Henry and Henry leaves the ring. Christian with a pescado but Henry catches Chrsitian. Dreamer with a running somersault splash from the apron onto Henry. Dreamer returns to the ring and Swagger sends Dreamer into the exposed turnbuckle and Swagger hits the Doctor Bomb for the three count.

Winners: Jack Swagger and Mark Henry

We go to credits.

05-06-2009, 09:36 PM
the doctor bomb? wtf kinda name is that for a finisher