View Full Version : Possessive F***ING WOMEN?!?!

Darth Fozzy
05-07-2009, 03:33 AM
Okay, on Halloween me and my best friend (he's 23, i'm 21) went out and got pissed one night on high percent ale, was good fun! On that night he met his girlfriend, by now I had been with my girlfriend for ages and she was already pregnant. Anyways, shortly after they got together, I think we shall just call her A, after he got with A she started to drift from her friends, they always wanted to spend time with her at the expence of her seeing my friend who we shall call B. She rather than split her time, she drifted further from her friends and clung to B, best part is, her parents are separated and she hates both of them so she won't stay with them. What happened, after about 6 weeks, she had unofficially moved in with him, he still lives with his parents btw as do I. His parents want her out and he doesn't understand why. why? Because they didn't ask they just did it. Anyways, she's clingy, she hides at his house in his room when he is at work and when he finishes work she always goes in and meets him EVERY NIGHT!!! She reads his texts so I can't have a guy chat with my best friend if I have any troubles, she asks what he was talking about with other friends when she sees him talking to someone. Right now, I just want her to fuck off for 2 hours so I can have a pint with my best mate and watch some fucking football but I can't even have that because she pissed off everyone around her and because she is a LEECH!! Why do women do that? Plus, she made up sob stories ages ago which I will not discuss as that is more private but there are public records which prove her wrong. Anyways, I just want my best friend back!! Stupid Clingy fucking women!! Oh, and she's only 18, doesn't have a job and practicallly just takes his money for clothes. BITCH!!

Shane McMahon's Ass
05-07-2009, 09:21 PM
WOW...she's a serious mental case! He needs to fuck this chick off as fast as he can.

05-08-2009, 12:02 AM
is this why ur so against the age thing?

Darth Fozzy
05-08-2009, 04:26 AM
No, they are in the 4 year limit. I just mostly want my friend back.

05-08-2009, 04:27 AM
Pussy whipped bitch

Darth Fozzy
05-08-2009, 04:28 AM
My thoughts exactly.

Kenpachi Zaraki
05-08-2009, 09:13 AM
Pussy whipped bitch


Why the hell don't your friends' parents throw her out? I know thats what most people's parents would do. And this possessive thing sucks I mean there's a certain limit to everything and reading text messages and asking about everything that just sucks ad they ain't even married yet :P

05-13-2009, 03:29 AM
I'd go though it just as long as shes a total babe; I wouldn't go though that if she looked like road turf with dog shit on it thats a basket case. I mean I guess the face don't have to be pretty if shes built, if shes fat she must have big boobs. I don't wanna look at her and think I'm looking at myself ya know... Just hang in there; or if I wher eyou id text him and send him a bunch of bad stuff and cuse them to argue and stuff, but you may loose a friend like that.

05-17-2009, 02:49 AM
well have you talked to your friend about this? maybe he loves her and allows her to check his texts ect.... maybe she is just insecure and wants to make sure he is being faithful. IMO he should set some time alone from her just to hang out with his friends. dunno if she would agree to that though :shifty:

Before The Beginning
05-17-2009, 08:42 AM
1st off, the text thing and constantly needing to know everything would drive me crazy.

YOu can't blame her for everything though, your friend should toughen up and tell her he needs alone time or time with friends etc... If she can't accept that, then its his call, if he still allows it, its on him imo.
Your friend sounds like a good person though, you don't want to just throw somebody on the street, unless you really cold hearted. And from what it sounds like, she has nobody else, thats probably why shes so "clingy".
Gotta find middle ground

09-26-2009, 02:30 AM
She's a disgusting, parasite and should be eradicated from your friend's life as soon as possible. That sycophant shouldn't even be around that guy because I'm sure he's suffering on the inside from all of this.

Big Evil
02-15-2010, 04:50 AM
You gotta keep in mind that she may have had issues with relationships in the past that ended badly, that may be making her hold onto him harder because she is afraid of being alone or dumped again. But these other guys are right in that he must toughen up, find some middle ground, let her know where the boundaries are in their relationship. Prying into his texts and all that is going too far. If she can't trust him, there isn't much room for the relationship to stand on. He either needs to work with her to create a trust and boundaries, or they need to end it.