View Full Version : May 07, 2009, WWE Superstars Results

05-08-2009, 06:12 PM
Quick Results:
- Kelly Kelly and Santina Marella defeat Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendes
- Finlay defeats Zack Ryder cleanly
- Chris Jericho defeats John Morrison after a distraction

Full Report:

- This week’s WWE Superstars kicks off with the return of The Cutting Edge, which can only mean one thing, drama! And what can be more dramatic than having your Judgment Day opponent on as the guest? Edge introduces Jeff Hardy! Hardy slowly makes his way to the ring, high fiving fans along the way.

Edge says he had Cena on the cutting Edge before he beat him, and became the last man standing. He says he’ll do the same to Jeff at Judgment Day. The fans chant Hardy. He concludes it’s going to end the same way it always does with Edge winning and Hardy crawling back in to what ever whole he came from, as a loser!

Jeff turns it around and says when he won the title he beat Edge. He continues, saying that he’s been fighting his brother for the last few months, but is missing something. CHAMPIONSHIP GOLD.

Edge says he sees an opportunity and makes the most out of it, whereas Jeff gets tonnes of opportunities but squanders them. “Your still the same screw-up you’ve always have been”. Hyped up, Hardy hits the Twist of Fate and Swanton Bomb on Edge, leaving the champion down and out. Jeff teases an eventual victory by holding up the belt, before leaving the ring.

- Tonight, following their altercation backstage last week Chris Jericho will face John Morrison.

- Kelly Kelly and Santina Marella defeat Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendes:

Santina gets a standing ovation, but I just don’t get it. His/Her partner is the beautiful Kelly Kelly. “Cutey and the beast” as Lawler says. Next comes Phoenix and Mendes. Time to see how Mendes does in the ring.

Before the match starts Cole actually insinuates that Lawler is pedophile, and Lawler plays it up saying is wives had marriage licenses before driver’s license. Huh!?

Lots of comedy spots here, with Santina elegantly bouncing off the ropes and replicating Kelly Kelly’s cartwheel elbow. The match ends with Kelly Kelly hitting a legdrop to the back of Rosa’s head.

- Zack Ryder in his new gimmick is shown backstageprepping his hair in the mirror.

- Finlay defeats Zack Ryder:

Ryder makes his way to the ring; he looks like a cross between Buff Bagwell and Brian Christopher, with a dash on the Miz’s arrogance.

The match is evenly spread, but Finlay wins quickly with the Celtic Cross. We’ll need to see more of Ryder to truly judge his new look.

- Hype video for CM Punk

- Recap of the backstage incident between Miz and Morrison.

- Chris Jericho defeats John Morrison:

Solid match, which goes about 10 minutes long. Morrison can go far as a face with a dash of cockiness like a young HBK. There is definitely faith in Morrison since he didn’t lose cleanly. The match came to end when Shelton Benjamin showed up on the ramp and restricted him, allowing Jericho to hit Codebreaker.


Another solid week of Superstars with some good undercard matches. I think we’ve seen how far WWE are prepared to go with the show, and the basic formula seems to be three solid matches from each brand, with at least one top card segment.

Thankyou to WrestlingTruth.com for this.