View Full Version : Where Has Christy Hemme Been?

05-14-2009, 01:51 AM
Christy Hemme took part in an interview with Revolution31.com this past week saying she still can't give a timetable on when she'll be able to return to the ring after deciding not to have surgery to help heal her seriously injured neck.

"I opted not to have neck surgery because I don't like the idea of fusing bones together when you can heal it naturally," Hemme said. "I haven't wrestled since November and I'm feeling really good and getting a lot stronger and waiting it out until I can get back in the ring."

While the TNA Knockout suffered the neck injury training for a pay-per-view match, she says the injury was inevitable after accumulating a variety of injuries as a result of being "knocked around in the ring."

In other highlights coming out of the interview, when asked if there's anyone in professional wrestling she doesn't like, Hemme notes Vince McMahon, saying he's "not my favorite person on the planet."

Hemme is also asked about winning the first WWE Diva Search and the $250,000 grand prize. She says the worst part was paying taxes on the winnings. "Paid a lot of taxes and it was horrible," Hemme said.

05-14-2009, 03:07 AM
thanks for the news kellie

Before The Beginning
05-14-2009, 03:09 AM
Hope shes back soon, thanks Kellie

05-14-2009, 07:05 AM
i would like to see her back soon thanks for the update Kellie