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View Full Version : WWE Superstars Report for May 14th, 2009

05-16-2009, 09:31 AM
WWE Superstars Report
Airing May 14th, 2009
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We are live on tape from Columbus, Ohio for the Raw match and your announcers are Jerry ‘Chief Wahoo’ Lawler and Michael ‘Vintage Maurice Clarett’ Cole; and live on tape from Dayton, Ohio and your announcers for the ECW match are Matt ‘Fluffer Nutter Center’ Striker and Josh ‘Dan Patrick’ Mathews, and for the Smackdown match Jim ‘Flyers’ Ross and Todd ‘I would rather be watching Hockey’ Grisham.

John Morrison has joined Jim Ross and Todd Grisham at the announce table. We see footage of Shelton costing John Morrison in his match against Chris Jericho last week on Superstars.

Match Number One: Rey Mysterio versus Shelton Benjamin

They lock up and Benjamin with a waist lock and take down and then Benjamin throws Rey out of the ring. They lock up and Benjamin with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Rey with a leap frog but Benjamin with a kick. Rey floats out of a suplex attempt and then he sends Benjamin to the floor. Rey with a rana off the apron. Rey tries for a springboard move but Benjamin turns it into a gutbuster. Benjamin kicks Rey and punches him in the corner. Benjamin drops Rey on the top rope and then he hits a knee lift while Rey is on the ropes. Rey goes to the floor in front of the announce table. Benjamin with a snap mare and a near fall. Benjamin with a waist lock as he works on the ribs. Rey with elbows to Benjamin to get out of the hold. Benjamin misses a charge into the corner and Rey with a drop toe hold. Rey with a rana but Benjamin holds on for a sunset flip but Rey rolls through and kicks Benjamin. Rey with a drop kick that twists Benjamin into 619 position. Rey tries for the 619 but Benjamin recovers and kicks Rey to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Benjamin has Rey in an abdominal stretch. Rey gets out of the hold but he might regret that after Benjamin tosses him in the air and Benjamin gets a two count. Benjamin with a body scissors and a reverse chin lock. Rey with a kick but Benjamin with a knee to Rey and then he kicks Rey in the ribs. Benjamin with another knee to the ribs followed by a near fall. Benjamin with a seated abdominal stretch to Rey but Rey punches Benjamin and kicks him to get out of the hold. Benjamin with forearms to the back. Benjamin charges into boots from Rey and then Rey goes up top but Benjamin crotches Rey and it puts him into the Tree of Woe. Rey is able to avoid a charge by Benjamin and Shelton goes into the ring post. Rey with a seated splash followed by a springboard cross body for a near fall. Benjamin with a wheelbarrow suplex for a near fall. Benjamin sends Rey into the turnbuckles but Rey with a tornado DDT and Shelton falls victim to the 619 Precursor Drop kick. Rey hits the 619 followed by the springboard dive for the three count.
Winner: Rey Mysterio

After the match, Morrison has some words for Benjamin who is wallowing in the loss in front of the announce table. Benjamin tries to punch Morrison but John blocks it and he punches Shelton.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Mark Henry with Tony Atlas versus Christian

They lock up and Christian is sent to the mat by Henry. Christian with a waist lock but Henry backs Christian into the corner and Henry with an elbow in the corner followed by a forearm to the back and a series of kicks. Henry with a hard Irish whip and Christian crumbles to the mat. Henry with a kick to the midsection and another kick that sends Christian to the floor. Henry goes out to the floor but Christian returns to the ring and Christian with a baseball slide when Henry tries to return to the ring. We go to commercial.

We are back and Henry works on Christian’s neck but Christian escapes briefly. We see footage during the commercial when Henry used his substantial size advantage over Christian on the floor. Back to live on tape action, Henry with a clothesline for a near fall. Christian with kicks and then he tries for a move from the turnbuckles but Henry catches him and he puts Christian in a bear hug. Henry stands on Christian’s chest. Henry misses a charge into the corner when Christian moves. Christian punches Henry and then he tries for a clothesline but Henry stays up. Henry with an Irish whip but Christian gets the boots up. Christian with a missile drop kick that staggers Henry and then he goes up for another one and Henry goes down but Christian can only get a two count after Henry emphatically kicks out. Henry with a clothesline to Christian and Henry gets a near fall. Christian tries for the tornado DDT but Henry sends Christian into the turnbuckles. Christian punches Henry and then he tries for the sunset flip but Henry stays up. Henry drops down and Henry misses. Christian hits a cross body from the turnbuckles for the three count.
Winner: Christian

We are back and Did you Know that a lot of homes can get WWE on television, but do they watch it?

We have a Raw Rebound.

We run through the card for Judgment Day.

We see Hornswoggle and Big Show get ready for their match and the preparation is a bit different.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Big Show versus Hornswoggle

Hornswoggle stands in the corner and he is not too anxious to move. Show wants Hornswoggle to come into the center of the ring. Show and Hornswoggle meet in the center of the ring and Hornswoggle begs for mercy. Show presses Hornswoggle over his head and he teases throwing Hornswoggle into the tenth row but then he puts Hornswoggle on the top turnbuckle and Show lays down for Hornswoggle to hit the frog splash. Show moves out of the way and then Show picks up Hornswoggle and puts him on the turnbuckles again. Show winds up for the punch but Goldust’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Goldust punches Show but Show punches back. The referee calls for the bell.

Show with a choke slam to Goldust. Show puts Goldust in a rear chin lock and he pulls back on Goldust. Show releases the hold.

We go to credits.