View Full Version : Ring Of Honor On Hdnet Spoilers For Tonight

Black Widow
05-16-2009, 04:49 PM

Brent Albright vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Albright went right after Claudio before the bell. Claudio came back with several uppercuts in the corner. They began striking away at each other. They went to the outside, where Albright chopped away on Claudio. He slammed him into the railing and gave him a snapmare on the floor. He kicked Claudio in the back. They began brawling on the floor but returned to the ring. Albright maneuvered Claudio to the mat for a two count. Claudio came back with a belly to belly for a two count, then rained down several rights. Castagnoli nailed a gutwretch suplex for a two count.

Castagnoli continued to work on Albright's back, then forced him to the floor. He slammed Albright's head into the railing. They returned to the ring and began exchanging shots in the center of the ring. Albright monkeyflipped Claudio over the ropes to the floor, then hit a plancha over the ropes. Claudio was tossed back in. Albright nailed a flying bodypress off the top for a two count. They exchanged suplexes. Claudio tried to roll up Brent but got caught hooking the ropes for leverage. Albright did a wraparound into the Crowbar submission in the center.
Ernie Osyris came out with Prince Nana and threw a sneaker at Albright. Albright was distracted and nailed with a lowblow by Claudio, then pinned.

Your winner, Claudio Castagnoli!

Claudio grabbed a chair but Colt Cabana hit the ring with one of his own to prevent any damage.

The Dark City Fight Club vs. Grizzy Redwood & Alex Payne

A short dominating win for The Fight Club.

ROH Ambassador Ric Flair made his way to the ring. Flair made someone hold the ropes for him as he entered the ring. He said that he likes the controversy in ROH because it keeps the fans and HD Net and himself excited. He said theres a lot of controversy over who's going to get the first title shot. A fan yelled that Ric should get it and he agreed. The place went nuts. Flair said, "Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind." The fans chanted "17." Flair said he had an important job and was going to announce the first World title match ever on HD Net. Flair introduced ROH champion Jerry Lynn.

Lynn came to the ring and Flair said that he is the man but if he wants to stay the man, he has to remain champ. Tyler Black's music hit and he made his way to the ring. Black and Lynn shook hands. The fans chanted, "Thank you Ric." Bryan Danielson then made his way to the ring. Austin Aries then made his way to the ring. Like Flair, Aries made someone hold the ropes open for him. Aries had a ring mic and said he's the only person in the ring who's come close to having the style of the Nature Boy. he butterede up Flair, saying he was the greatest World champion ever and the greatest who's ever lived.

Flair said in the small time he's been in ROH, he's been nothing but blown away by the athletic quality and skill of everyone in the ring, but HD Net wants something cutting edge. Flair announced the first title bout will be Jerry Lynn vs. Austin Aries.....vs. Tyler Black.....vs. Bryan Danielson. Flair had to read the names off a card, so he's not familiar with all the names yet. Flair said that as promised and advertised, ROH will give you the best wrestling there is.

Flair then cut a classic Ric Flair promo talking about wrestling Magnum TA and Ricky Steamboat for an hour, then going to South Street to "close the place down." Flair hit every favorite phrase everyone loves with the crowd saying it alongside him. He then said I know this is the home of ECW and the place went nuts chanting it. He said that he and Mick Foley have come to terms with each other. He said he's had a few hardcore matches and ladder matches. He said that he taught them how to bleed and they taught him to roll around in thumbtacks. Flair then put over all the local sports teams. He said that he hopes tonight from the bottom of his heart, he's going to go out tonight and make a lifelong impression on a woman...all night long...wooo! He then asked if anyone had see the Definitive Collection DVD. He said for men, it's inspirational. For women, it's soft porn. Great vintage Flair. It was wild to hear him lead a ECW chant.

Sami Callahan vs. Jay Briscoe (with Mark Briscoe)

Jay unloaded with chops and a slam early. He nailed a double stomp then clobbered him with an elbow rebounding off the ropes. Callahan tricked Briscoe when he attempted to go up and over in the corner, then smashed him facefirst into the tuernbuckles. Callahan drilled Briscoe with a lariat while he was in a sitting position. They exchanged strikes in the center of the ring. Briscoe came back to nail the Jay-Driller for the pin.

Your winner, Jay Briscoe!

Kyle Durden interviewed Briscoe, asking for an update on Mark Briscoe's knee injury. Mark said it's getting better every day and he'll be back soon. Jay said he only had two words for everyone and the fans chanted "Man Up."

ROH Tag Team champs Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. Rhett Titus & Kenny King.

Generico and Titus started out. The crowd was all over Titus. Generico nailed Titus with punches in the corner. Steen tagged in and slammed Titus. He and Generico double teamed Titus. Steen drilled him with a chop in the corner, then whipped him out. Titus caught him with a big boot and tagged in King. Steen easily caught King with a powerslam. He and Generico then worked over King.

King and Titus took over on Generico. Titus drilled him with a running clothesline. Steen tried to rally the fans. The referee admonished him as he entered the ring, leaving Generico to be worked over, two to one. Titus drilled Generico with a standing dropkick. Steen rallied the crowd and Generico finally made the hot tag. Steen cleaned house with a backdrop on King and a chop on Titus.

Steen caught Titus with a powerbomb, then went for the Sharpshooter. King nailed him. Generico drilled King with a running big boot, then dove over the top on Titus. Steen hit a swanton off the top on King for a two count. The building thought that was the finish. Titus came off the top with an axe handle but Generico caught him with an inverted atomic drop. King and Generico battled in the corner. Generico shoved him out butKing came back with an enziguri to the head, Titus hit a top rope frog splash for a two count.
Steen caught King and tried to nail the package piledriver but King fought back. Steen finally laid him out.; Steen went to the top for a moonsault but Titus caught him. He went for a top rope rana but got nailed and hung upside down. Steen hit a running splash into King in one corner. Generico hit a van Terminator on Titus. They then doubled King and scored the pin.

Your winners, ROH Tag Team champs Kevin Steen & El Generico!

The American Wolves attacked Steen and Generico. They drilled Generico through a table with an Ace Crusher, then put the boots to Steen. They held the ROH Tag Titles above their heads as if they had won them, then tossed them down.

Notes: They announced Ric Flair and KENTA will be appearing at the next set of tapings...A much better taping than the debut night I attended. They had a nice mix of storyline advancement and instead of random athletic matches, you had a feeling that they were heading somewhere.