View Full Version : Breaking News: Randy Orton Violates WWE Wellness Program

07-07-2006, 07:43 AM
Posted by: Steve Carrier - July 06th, 2006

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Randy Orton is the latest wrestler in a long line of wrestlers to violate the WWE's Wellness Program. Sources within WWE have confirmed that Randy Orton recently failed to meet the requirements to pass the WWE Wellness Program drug test. Also, WWE officials found over eight bottles of non-prescription Painkillers in Randy Orton's dressing bag at a recent event. Vince McMahon recently had a talk with talent from all three brands in which he warned them about the use of Painkillers. And if that isn't enough, it should be noted that Orton has tested positive for steriod use within the last two months.

Seeing how he will be a vital part of SummerSlam when he does battle with Hulk Hogan, it remains to be seen if WWE will punish him, thus complicating this important storyline. If action isn't taken, it will be highly unfair to Rob Van Dam, not to mention that it will look very bad in the eyes of the public.

There will be more on this story as it develops.

07-07-2006, 08:19 AM
he broke the rules now punish him, or fire him- he's not that good anyway