View Full Version : An Interview With Michelle McCool

Black Widow
05-19-2009, 04:20 PM
MichelleMcCool.net has an interview with the WWE Diva online. In it, Michelle names her closest friends in WWE as Vickie Guerrero, MVP and Chavo Guerrero. Looks like the WWE Draft separated her from her best friends in the company.


MM.Net: The Divas are known for always smelling good. You’re probably no exception. What are some of your favorite perfumes/body splashes to wear?
MM: Ever since middle school, I have worn Rapture from Victoria’s Secret. You can’t convince me that anything smells better. Not only does it smell great, it lasts all day.

MM.Net: With your brother Jeff exploring his musical side, are there any chances we might hear some Michelle in one of his upcoming tracks?
MM: Absolutely not. Nothing joyous comes out of my mouth. :)

MM.Net: Let’s say you had a blonde moment and left your carry on in the airport terminal. Someone comes up and takes it. Being the nosy person most people are today, what are some of the things one might find inside?
MM: Let’s see….some very stinky ring gear, a book of inspirational quotes, some pictures of family and friends, wrestling boots, some type of hoodie or sweatshirt (because I’m always cold) & my iPod.

MM.Net: There are few men in a lady’s life that she can always depend on. Ben and Jerry are two of them. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
MM: Believe it or not, none. I hate milk, therefore also hate ice cream. Always have, always will! Sorry :)

MM.Net: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Pancakes, waffles, bagels, sausage, eggs, the list goes on. What kind of breakfast foods do you enjoy most?
MM: Egg whites and cream of wheat - with lots of spray butter…..yummy!

MM.Net: What are three things you absolutely cannot leave home without?
MM: Chapstick, wallet & iPod!

MM.Net: Out of all the current Divas/Superstars, who would you consider are your closest friends?
MM: Current ones….I can’t even begin to name all of them. There are a bunch of the ‘guys’ who I really consider brothers to me….MVP & Chavo being two of them; I’m also very close to Vickie G. (maybe I can see if she can pull some strings for me).

MM.Net: Did you ever learn how to ride your custom Beverly Hills Chopper?
MM: Nope, but it sure is pretty!

MM.Net: Who designs your wrestling attire, especially the one you wore in the 25-Diva Battle Royal at WrestleMania XXV?
MM: One of the most talented people I know. Her name is Julie and she is one of the seamstresses at work. She’s amazing!

MM.Net: What are some of your goals that you would like to achieve inside/outside of the WWE in 2009?
MM: Become the first ever Divas and Women’s Champion! Outside of the ring, I want to use this platform I’ve been given to make a positive impact on other’s lives. I know that’s broad, but there are so many ways to do this I couldn’t begin to name them all.

MM.Net: After you get home from the road, you probably do a ton of laundry. What kind of detergent do you prefer to use to wash your threads?
MM: Don’t really care too much, as long as it doesn’t have added perfumes to it.

MM.Net: Some people have a strong dislike for food, i.e. Matt Hardy hates mustard with a passion. What kind of condiments do you find disgusting?
MM: MUSTARD, MAYO….but I do LOVE me some ketchup!!!!

MM.Net: Do you have any backstage rituals before you hit the ring, ready to perform in front of the millions and millions of WWE fans? Some say a prayer; some do 100 push-ups, some stack up on energy drinks. What does Michelle McCool do?
MM: I like to find a corner, say a prayer and enjoy a few minute of quiet time!

MM.Net: In one of our past Q&A’s we’ve asked you what was one of your most embarrassing moments (in or out of WWE). You had then asked for us to get back to you on that one. Well, a little over a year later… we’re ready for that answer - dish it out, Michelle McCool!
MM: Oh jeez….In the ring would definitely be wardrobe malfunctions. You know the sweatpants issue [When the webmistress of MichelleMcCool.Net attened a SmackDown house show, Michelle had made her entrance down to the ring before her match... in sweatpants. The fans were confused as to wondering why Michelle would "half-ass" her wardrobe and let us watch her wrestle in her sweats. She would later realize that she had forgot to remove her sweatpants before making her entrance, and turned the blooper into a "moment of the night." Gone are the days when Torrie Wilson pulled off a reveal that had even the youngest of children popping for her. Taking a page out of Ms. Wilson's handbook for cheap-pops, Michelle bent over and unleashed her 'ka-booty' shorts. Who ever said this girl was boring? She improvised and got one of the best pops of the night!] - but that was funny to me! Also had a few times where my top just wasn’t quite taped enough.

MM.Net: Your diehard fans can recite your full-name and date of birth (thankfully, not your social security), remember the names of your family members and their job titles, the breed and stories involving your pets, Sandy and Jonah, and can even point out Palatka on the USA map. Your diehards can recall which wrestling maneuvers were executed during which match, remember what outfits were worn for their accompanying pay-per-view, and even sing along to your entrance music. But, most of all, your fans know and take great pride in the battle wounds that you so proudly wear as a badge of honor. Now, the question that is sure to throw you off, and even the diehards: On your left ear, you’ve actually got a little ‘nip’ of a scar. You haven’t been in the ring with Mike Tyson, have you? What’s the story there?
MM: Wow…. can you really notice it that much? Oops…I have to give you credit. You are the first to ever call that out :) I wear it with pride too. Here goes….in high school, they changed the rule in softball to where the girls could wear jewelry when playing. This was a big deal. Well, as I’ve always said, I’ve always been a tomboy that like to look ‘cute’ while doing it. So, I wore earrings and a gold necklace with a cross on it. I was stealing second when the throw came down. The throw hit the side of my helmet which then slid and hit my ear so hard it ripped my earring out. It bled pretty good and they said they could sew it up if I wanted, BUT I kinda like it. A little ‘ear’ character if you may! :)

MM.Net: From ‘The All-American Girl’ to ‘Michelle McCruel’ you’ve been on one of WWE’s most prestige journeys a Diva can take - and the ride isn’t over yet! But say, years from now, when you’re old and grey (looking fierce and fabulous at any age), you decided to write a memoir like most retired wrestlers do. What would the name of your book be called?
MM: Not sure….got any ideas? I’ll get back to you on that one. :)
