View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for May 22nd, 2009

05-24-2009, 02:03 AM
We start off with a look back at last Sunday’s Judgment Day pay per view with footage from Matt Hardy’s devious attack of his brother Jeff during the World Title match.

We are live on tape from Cincinnati, Ohio and your announcers are Todd ‘I thought turkeys could fly’ Grisham and Jim ‘WKRP and NewsRadio are very similar’ Ross.

Edge comes to the ring to address his fans. Edge says that if there was ever any doubt as to who the face of Smackdown is, it is time to end the debate now. Edge says that he does not want to hear any other superstars coming out to claim to be the face of Smackdown. Judgment Day has come and gone and Edge says that he is still the face of the brand. Chris Jericho lost to Rey Mysterio. CM Punk lost to Umaga. Edge reminds everyone that he embarrassed and defeated Jeff Hardy. That means that he is still everyone’s World Heavyweight Champion. He tells everyone that he is the premiere superstar in the WWE today. The fans might object and think that it is Jeff Hardy, but Edge says that Jeff Hardy is not even in his league. Edge says that he is a winner. Jeff Hardy is like all of his fans who pour their hearts into him and chant his name. Edge says that Hardy is a loser.

Speaking of people who are not winners, Teddy Long comes to the ring as only Teddy can. Teddy tells Edge that what he witnessed at Judgment Day was an atrocity. He says that he believes that the referee’s decision is final. Teddy points out that Matt Hardy illegally interfered in the title match. Therefore, at Extreme Rules, Jeff Hardy gets a rematch.

Edge reminds Teddy that he beat Jeff Hardy. He says that Teddy and the fans can make excuses for Jeff and he is sick of it. Edge says that he has more will, heart, and determination than Jeff and he is willing to pull out all of the stops. Edge says that he went back into his vault of moves and used the Top Rope Edgecution to win the match. Edge says that Jeff is not championship material, he is a failure.

The failure Jeff Hardy comes out and he has something to say. Jeff says that Edge is right. He is a loser, a screw up, a letdown, and wreckless at time. Jeff says that he is also a competitor. At Extreme Rules, since every match is Extreme, why not make things crazy. Jeff suggests a match tonight to allow the winner to determine the stipulation of their match at Extreme Rules.

Edge tells Jeff that he cannot make matches and tries to get on Teddy’s good side to win this argument. Jeff also pleads his case to Teddy. Jeff tells Teddy that he said last week that the show belongs to the WWE Universe so Jeff throws out a Mick Foley cheap pop to get the Cincinnati fans to support his position. Jeff goes into the crowd to ask if they want to see Jeff wrestle Edge tonight.

Teddy says that when the WWE Universe talks like that he feels foolish not listening to them. Teddy gives Jeff his match and the winner of the match will choose how Extreme the match at Extreme Rules will be. Teddy wants some holla-ing in Cincinnnati.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, and Ricky Ortiz versus John Morrison and Cryme Tyme

Morrison and Benjamin start things off, but Benjamin would rather let Ortiz start things off. They lock up and Ortiz with a knee and forearm. Ortiz with a head butt and then he struts around the ring before Irish whipping Morrison. Ortiz misses a charge and Morrison with an arm drag and then he tags in Shad. Shad works on the shoulder and he puts Ortiz in an arm bar. Ortiz with a forearm but Shad responds with a back elbow. Shad with a back body drop to Ortiz followed by a slam and JTG is tagged in. Cryme Tyme with a wheelbarrow slam and then Morrison makes the blind tag and he hits the pommel horse leg drop for a near fall. Morrison with a front face lock and then he tags in JTG for a sunset flip and he gets a near fall. Ortiz with a kick and a head butt. Haas tags in and he punches JTG and works on the eyes. Haas throws JTG out of the ring, but JTG returns and he punches Haas and hits a drop kick. Morrison and Cryme Tyme clear the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back and Benjamin with kicks to JTG. Benjamin with a hammerlock shoulder breaker to JTG. We see footage from the commercial break when Benjamin distracted JTG and allowed Haas to attack him from behind. Haas is tagged back in and he kicks JTG. Haas with an arm bar as he continues to work on JTG’s arm. JTG with punches but Haas pulls JTG back to the mat. Ortiz is tagged back in and Ortiz with a kick and knee drop to the back. Ortiz with a hammerlock slam for a near fall. JTG with more punches, but Ortiz with a kick and Benjamin is tagged back in.

Benjamin kicks JTG and puts him in another corner and he punches JTG. Benjamin and JTG exchange punches and JTG is able to get the advantage but Benjamin is able to keep JTG from making the tag. JTG kicks Benjamin off but Benjamin tags Haas. Morrison comes in and he punches Haas and hits a drop kick. Morrison with a leg lariat and then he hits a Shining Wizard for a near fall. All six men are in the ring as Benjamin and Ortiz work over Shad. Shad with a clothesline to Ortiz and JTG with a cross body that sends him and Benjamin over the top rope to the floor. Shad and Ortiz fight on the floor. Haas hits a German suplex but Morrison lands on his feet. Haas charges at Morrison and Morrison with a hot shot followed by the Split Legged Corkscrew moonsault for the three count.
Winners: John Morrison and Cryme Tyme

Josh Mathews is in the interview area with Melina. Josh asks Melina about the number one contenders match between Michelle McCool and Gail Kim. Melina says that she is a competitor and she came to Smackdown to beat the best. She will be able to show that she is the most dominant Diva. She proved it on Raw and will do the same on Smackdown. Alicia Fox enters the interview area and she tells Melina that Michelle has a message for Melina. That message is the belt will soon be hers. Melina tells Alicia to give a message to Michelle. That message is not to send a girl to do a woman’s job. Melina punctuates her comments with a slap for Alicia. We go to commercial.

We are back and Did you Know that a lot of people have watched Smackdown over the years?

It is time to relive the situation between the Denver Nuggets and WWE. Are you ready for the insanity on Monday in Los Angeles?

Match Number Two: Michelle McCool with Alicia Fox versus Gail Kim in a Number One Contenders Match

They lock up and Michelle with a slap on the break and Gail pushes back. Michelle with a knee and a European uppercut. Gail with a kick and she tries for a crucifix but Michelle counters. Gail with an arm drag and Michelle goes to the floor. Gail follows after her and Michelle with a knee and then she sends Gail foot first into the ring post and Gail holds her knee. Michelle rolls Gail back into the ring and gets a near fall. Michelle works on the knee with elbow drops. Gail with kicks to the back to try to stop Michelle from working on the knee. Michelle with a kick to the knee and then she wraps the knee in the ropes. Gail with an elbow and the Flying Dragon. Michelle goes down to one knee and then Gail with a rollup out of the hold but Michelle gets her foot on the ropes. Michelle with a leg sweep to the bad knee. Michelle pulls Gail to the floor and Gail lands hard. Michelle pulls Gail back to the apron but Gail drops Michelle on the top rope. Gail with forearms but Michelle with a kick to the injured knee. Gail with an enzuigiri followed by a Japanese neckbreaker for a near fall. Gail goes to the turnbuckles and Alicia tries to stop her but Gail sends Alicia into the ring post. Gail goes up top and Michelle with a kick that knocks Gail down and Michelle hits the McCool Clash for the three count.
Winner: Michelle McCool

We go to the locker room where Rey Mysterio is getting ready for his interview with Jim Ross. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jim Ross interviews Rey Mysterio in a locker room in an undisclosed location for security purposes. Jim asks Rey about his win over Chris Jericho at Judgment Day. Rey says that Chris Jericho is an extremely talented competitor in the ring and talented at running his mouth. Rey says that he was glad that he was able to hit the 619 when Chris Jericho said that Rey would not be able to hit it on him. Rey gets everyone to chant 619. Rey says that he will continue to represent the WWE Universe. Rey said that he would take on all challengers and he is moving on from Chris Jericho because there are a number of young superstars who want to be Intercontinental Champion and he will give them the chance. Rey says that he wants to uphold the honor of the title. He mentions Pedro Morales, Tito Santana, and Eddie Guerrero as people who have held the title before. Rey wants to honor those Hispanic champions as one of the greatest of all time. Jim Ross asks why Rey wrestles in a mask. Rey says that you don’t want to see him without the mask and then Rey gets serious and says that it is a Mexican tradition to wear masks. He says that it is a way to pay homage to their heritage. Rey says that it took time to earn the distinction to wear a mask. Rey says that he wears the mask with pride and honor and he says that he would never take off his mask in the ring because it is the greatest dishonor to have your mask removed. Rey says that without his mask, he is no Rey Mysterio.

We see footage from the match between Chris Jericho and CM Punk from this week’s Superstars when Punk defeated Chris Jericho.

Match Number Three: Chris Jericho versus CM Punk

Punk with kicks and a snap mare followed by a kick to the back. Punk with a slam and stomp to the chest for a near fall. Punk with forearms in the corner and the referee pulls him away. Jericho uses that opportunity to connect with forearms. Jericho with a back elbow and Punk goes to the apron. Jericho tries for the springboard drop kick but Punk moves out of the way and Jericho goes to the floor. Punk goes to the floor and he runs Jericho into the ring apron. They return to the ring and Punk gets a near fall. Jericho with a punch but Punk with forearms. Jericho with a kick but Punk gets Jericho up for Go To Sleep but Jericho with elbows followed by a running forearm to the back of the head. Jericho with more punches to Punk. Jericho with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall and then Jericho with a reverse chin lock and the arm isolated. Punk gets to his feet and he hits an arm drag followed by a drop kick to the knee. Punk with kicks to the chest followed by a knee to the chest and Punk gets a near fall. Punk with an Irish whip but Punk is sent to the apron. Punk tries for the springboard clothesline, but Jericho kicks the ropes and Punk lands awkwardly as we go to commercial.

We are back and Punk misses a drop kick when Jericho holds on to the ropes and Jericho gets a near fall. Jericho with a back senton splash for a near fall. Jericho sends Punk into the turnbuckles and then Jericho with forearms as he berates Punk. Jericho with an Irish whip and running clothesline into the corner. Jericho puts Punk on the top turnbuckle and tries for a superplex but Punk fights Jericho off the turnbuckles with a head butt. Punk with a cross body but Jericho rolls through and gets a near fall. Jericho misses an enzuigiri and Punk gets a near fall with a La Magistral. Punk with a back kick and another kick to the chest. Punk with a leg lariat and Jericho with a drop kick as Punk charges for the running knee into the corner. Jericho gets a near fall and then he continues the assault with kicks to the head. Jericho tries for the bulldog off the Irish whip but Punk sends Jericho into the turnbuckles. Punk with a running knee to the back and then he signals for the Go To Sleep. Punk gets Jericho up but Jericho gets back to the mat. Punk gets Jericho on his shoulders again but Jericho with a rollup into the Walls of Jericho but Punk with an inside cradle for a two count. Jericho puts Punk in the Walls of Jericho and Punk tries to get to the ropes and he succeeds. Punk hits Go to Sleep but Jericho rolls to the floor.

From out of nowhere, Umaga comes to the ring and he hits Punk in the back with a leather strap and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: CM Punk by disqualification

After the match, Umaga continues his attack on CM Punk with a super kick. Umaga runs Punk into the turnbuckles and he puts Pun k in the Tree of Woe and he ties Punk into the corner with the strap. Umaga with knees to the back of the head and then Umaga hits the Samoan Spike.

Umaga takes the microphone from Justin Roberts and he has something to say. He asks Punk if he thinks he is hurt now, but he tells Punk to wait for Extreme Rules because he challenges Punk to a Samoan Strap Match. Umaga whips Punk with the strap.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Smack of the Night: Khali and Dolph Ziggler from two weeks ago and Khali’s attempt for revenge last week.

Match Number Four: Dolph Ziggler versus R Truth

Ziggler with a side head lock and shoulder tackle and he asks Truth what’s up. Truth with a hip toss. Ziggler with a hot shot and a kick to the head. Ziggler with punches to the back of the head followed by a t-bone take down. Ziggler with a rear chin lock on Truth and he turns it into a reverse chin lock. Truth with elbows but Ziggler with a kick. Ziggler with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Truth with a punch and back elbow. Truth with a drop kick but Ziggler with a kick to the chest. Truth sends Ziggler into the canvas and then Truth with a running bicycle kick for a near fall. Truth goes to the turnbuckles and Ziggler pulls him off and Ziggler hits the leaping side Russian leg sweep for the three count.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Ziggler goes to the back but he does not realize that Great Khali is about to come out. Khali forces Ziggler back to the ring. Khali is joined by Runjin Singh. Truth hits a flying forearm on Ziggler but Khali cannot grab Ziggler before Ziggler leaves the ring and exits the building through the crowd.

We are back and did you know that WWE.com has more visitors than Disney.com?

It is time to take a look at the issues between Eve and Layla.

Edge is with Teddy Long. Edge tells Teddy that after he beats Jeff Hardy tonight, it will lead to the extermination of Jeff Hardy at the pay per view. Edge turns around and he sees Chris Jericho. Edge tells Jericho to address him as Champ because he is the face of Smackdown.

Teddy wants to know what Jericho is in his office to complain about this time. Jericho says that Rey Mysterio is a coward who hides behind his mask. Jericho says that Mysterio is running away from him and he wants a rematch. Teddy says that the match has been made already because Rey asked for a No Holds Barred Match at Extreme Rules. Jericho is happy with this announcement.

Match Number Five: Jeff Hardy versus Edge in a Non-Title Winner Gets to Name the Extreme Rules Type of Match for their Title Match at Extreme Rules . . .It’s Not Just a Pay Per View . . . It is an Extravaganza Match

They lock up and Edge punches Hardy instead of a clean break but Hardy with a rollup for a near fall. They lock up again and Edge with a side head lock and Hardy with another rollup for a near fall. Edge with a kick to the midsection and then he tries for a slam but Hardy escapes and he gets another near fall with another rollup. Edge leaves the ring and he shows his frustration at what Hardy has done. Edge trips Hardy from the floor and then he returns to the ring but misses an elbow drop. Hardy with a side head lock take down. Edge tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Hardy counters with a side head lock take down as he keeps the hold locked in. Edge with knees to the back of the leg to get out of the hold and he punches Hardy. Hardy with a hard Irish whip and then he hits a clothesline to the back that sends Edge back into the turnbuckles. Hardy slams Edge’s head into the turnbuckles repeatedly and then Hardy hits the hesitation drop kick in the corner. Edge see Hardy having trouble returning to his feet and Edge with a running boot to the head and Hardy goes down. We go to commercial.

We are back and Edge with a knee to the back of Hardy’s head and then he continues with more knees to the head as he continues to wear down Hardy and keep him from getting his equilibrium back. Edge with an elbow to the back of the head and then he hits a running boot to the head. Edge gets a near fall but Hardy will not give up. Edge sends Hardy into the turnbuckle followed by an Irish whip but Hardy with an elbow and kick. Hardy with Whisper in the Wind and both men are down. Hardy gets a two count on Edge. Hardy with a flying forearm followed by another one for another near fall. Hardy with a gourdbuster driver and then he takes the shirt off and goes up top but Edge moves out of the way. Hardy with a reverse atomic drop followed by a leg drop attempt that Edge blocked. Edge gets a two count. Edge gets to his feet first and he picks up Hardy and tries for a neck breaker and he hits it but Hardy kicks out. Edge punches Hardy and then he goes to the turnbuckles but Hardy with a drop kick counter as Edge comes off the turnbuckles. Hardy with a baseball slide that sends Edge to the floor. Hardy with a pescado onto Edge and both men are down. Hardy with a slam as they return to the ring and Jeff goes to the turnbuckles for the screaming leg drop for a two count. Hardy sets for the Twist of Fate and he is sent into the turnbuckles. Edge tries for a spear but Hardy counters with a sunset flip for a two count. Hardy tries for the Twist of Fate again but Edge counters again this time with a backslide and he gets a two count. Edge tries for the Edgecution but Hardy counters with the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes to the top turnbuckle for the Swanton but Edge gets up and he punches Hardy. Edge tries for the Super Edgecution but Hardy punches Edge off the turnbuckles to the canvas and Hardy with the Swanton for the three count.
Winner: Jeff Hardy

After the match, Todd Grisham goes into the ring to interview Jeff and he asks Jeff what the stipulation will be for Extreme Rules. Jeff tells everyone that there will be a ladder involved in the match. Todd announces that it will be a Ladder Match at Extreme Rules.

We go to credits.