View Full Version : Matt Striker in trouble for nude pictures leak?

Kenpachi Zaraki
05-29-2009, 05:54 PM
Credit: PWInsider.com

After getting some good publicity out of the now-infamous Denver Nuggets debacle, WWE may be facing some bad publicity stemming from nude photographs of Matt Striker leaking online. The story is that he sent someone pictures he took of himself which included full-frontal nudity, and the person he sent them to decided to leak them out to the net. They have been picked up by a few celebrity gossip blogs.

WWE, under the guise of Linda McMahon, is toning down to PG-rated television more than ever now that Linda has become a member of the Connecticut State Board Of Education. The company is telling everyone that there is to be no blood, very little sexuality aside for some comedy bits, no threatening of serious violence, and a more clean and wholesome family product because they don’t want these things to be thrown back in Linda’s face by any political enemies.

Interestingly, Striker’s announcer deal with WWE is much better than most of the wrestlers because he is not labeled as an independent contractor and has more benefits, and that deal may now be on the line. One member of the roster says that Striker has a tendency of wearing very little clothing. WWE has yet to react to the issue, and there’s a chance the whole thing may blow over as just a blip on the radar.

Striker was a social studies teacher at a high school in Queens, New York while training for his WWE career which began in 2005. He is currently the color commentator for ECW on Sci-Fi.

Before The Beginning
05-29-2009, 08:30 PM
First off, hilarious (The Striker part).
Second off, "WWE, under the guise of Linda McMahon, is toning down to PG-rated television more than ever now that Linda has become a member of the Connecticut State Board Of Education. The company is telling everyone that there is to be no blood, very little sexuality aside for some comedy bits, no threatening of serious violence, and a more clean and wholesome family product because they don’t want these things to be thrown back in Linda’s face by any political enemies."

That part sounds kind of lame to me, I compare it to selling out basically. Just my opinion though.