View Full Version : Tommy Dreamer Expresses Disappointment With Current Direction Of ECW

07-07-2006, 09:46 PM
In what is a sign that stars of the former ECW are becoming upset with the current direction of the brand, Tommy Dreamer stated the following in his latest column on ECW.com:

"I take it upon myself to apologize for what happened this week. I cannot truly begin to express my feelings...I am angry, pissed off and totally frustrated about what I have been seeing in ECW. I need to sit back and digest all of this; if I write about what is in my head, my column will probably no longer exist. Sorry."

Credit: ECW.com

Straight Edge
07-08-2006, 12:54 AM
I hope Vince takes notice of this, and actually GIVES control to Heyman. Seriously, if he wants ECW to succeed, he needs to give Heyman full control, and stop being an ass.

The Unholy Alliance
07-08-2006, 02:03 AM
I hope Vince takes notice of this, and actually GIVES control to Heyman. Seriously, if he wants ECW to succeed, he needs to give Heyman full control, and stop being an ass.
I agree with you, Straight Edge.. It's obvious that ECW is run by WWE in every sense as it is slacked down and not even near as hardcore as it used to be. Tommy is right, it does suck right now and Vince should indeed give full control of ECW to Paul Heyman.

07-08-2006, 05:10 AM
Damn OMEN, you beat me to it.

When Dreamer posted:
I am angry, pissed off and totally frustrated about what I have been seeing in ECW.I don't think he was completely talking about ECW booking. I think he meant that he is also disappointed with some of the decisions made by ECW wrestlers outside of the ring that are affecting their availability inside the ring. Big Show winning the title and RVD being suspended for 30 days (it will more likely be 4 episodes) was really just a quick fix to a pretty large problem outside the ring.

I agree with you, Straight Edge.. It's obvious that ECW is run by WWE in every sense as it is slacked down and not even near as hardcore as it used to be. Tommy is right, it does suck right now and Vince should indeed give full control of ECW to Paul Heyman.It's almost sad for me to admit that this is the common opinion in the IWC. Very few people saw this coming. I'm not trying to say I told you so, but I did.

07-08-2006, 10:29 PM
I figured that the orginal ECW guys would start to say something about how ECW is being portrade. But this could be a good thing or a bad thing. Hope he doesn't get fired for speaking his mined. But good for Dreamer to say this.

07-09-2006, 03:53 AM
ya i agree w/ all of you Heyman needs 2 have full control cause this so called new ECW is a joke just like SD :mad: they are killing what was once a great fed

07-09-2006, 10:10 PM
I guess i am in the minority in regard to that article. I believe that this is all a work setting up a feud betwen Dreamer and Heyman. We all know how much Vince loves to do authority figure feuds.

07-09-2006, 10:54 PM
^Great idea! Vince making ECW suck is all a work. I guess making SD and RAW suck was just part of a storyline too.

This isn't a work. Dreamer really is pissed, along with Paul Heyman, and a good part of ECW's lockeroom. I can't forget to mention the millions of fans who had high hopes and expected this rebirth of ECW to be something really great.

07-10-2006, 12:45 AM
Dreamer never says what he is so upset about. Everyone is just assuming that he is referring to the overall product. I stand by my belief that this is leading to a Heyman/Dreamer feud.

07-10-2006, 04:50 PM
No he didn't say what specifically he is upset about, but you didn't pay attention to what he did say:
if I write about what is in my head, my column will probably no longer exist.This means he is purposely holding back his opinons. What WWE storyline have you ever seen start like this? The conflict must be started early in the storyline. If you want to believe this a work, go ahead. I don't have a problem with you being wrong.

07-10-2006, 10:54 PM
^ my whole theory revolves around that one line.It just comes off fake to me. Time will tell whether im right or not. I actually hope I am wrong ( since I have seen WWE rehash the authority figure feud enough times to last me a lifetime), but i think that this is going to be like when we talked about TNA's next world champ. The belt looks good on Jeff eh?

Still 2nd Place
07-10-2006, 11:29 PM
I dont know what to think of the whole thing I would have to say how much is a work and how much is real because we all know that Vince has total power over what gose on the ECW site so I just think that there is some work in there Vince know that the fans eat up the net shit

I personally have enjoyed ECW thus far no its not old school ECW but what the hell its not that bad they never said it was going to be like old school in fact Heyman said its the new BREED a NEW ECW and I know the guys in the back are not happy but they are given it time and the show is growing and getting better

I dont think anyone can get mad about the whole RVD thing as he screwed up he is the one that got pulled over when having that shit on him Vince had his hands tied he had to do what he did

I think we will come to see that much like the Matt Hardy thing a while back that there is some work in here and we will see it play out on TV but thats just my thoughts

07-11-2006, 05:11 AM
i think that this is going to be like when we talked about TNA's next world champ. The belt looks good on Jeff eh?Uh, no. That's completely off topic, but I was right. Jarret didn't win it at the next PPV. He was already champion for winning at Slammiversary, he just didn't have the belt yet. That happened at the iMPACT! after our conversation in the TNA section.

the show is growing and getting better What's better about it? Sabu's gone, Angle's gone, RVD's gone, CM Punk hasn't wrestled yet, and Big Show is the champ. You call that better? You are in the extreme minority with your opinion. In fact, I challenge you to find one person here at UOW that agrees ECW has gotten better since it started.
I dont think anyone can get mad about the whole RVD thing as he screwed up he is the one that got pulled over when having that shit on himSure we can get mad; we can get mad at RVD. Obviously Dreamer is mad. He can't be mad at Big Show for winning the title. He can't be mad a WWE for suspending Rob and taking the title off of him. There is only RVD left to be mad at. Like you said, he screwed up. It's his fault ECW is suffering right now.

Still 2nd Place
07-11-2006, 05:51 AM
What's better about it? Sabu's gone, Angle's gone, RVD's gone, CM Punk hasn't wrestled yet, and Big Show is the champ. You call that better? You are in the extreme minority with your opinion. In fact, I challenge you to find one person here at UOW that agrees ECW has gotten better since it started.

First off I dont need to find one other who agree with me because I dont care if I am the only one I dont need anyone to justify my opinions I think it has gotten better since the first show and I stand by that it is progressing and making some new people like Mike Knox and Fertig and CM Punk they will fill the void that RVD and Sabu have left although they are not as big of stars and dont have the Old ECW they are the new ECW and I like all 3 men alot

I dont want to take my time whinning and bitching about how bad it is or how its not old ECW I would rather enjoy it for what it is they have had some good matches and they have been doing the best they can after all last week show was good considering the fact that 2 of the biggest stars got caught up in shit and i think they done a good job turning Haymen heel and I am waiting to see how they move this along

last week show
Mike Knox Vs. Little Guido - not a bad match was not they best but I am liking what I am seeing from Knox (other then the whole Kellie thing as I just think she should be moved to Raw we dont need female who cant get it done in the ring)

Test Vs. Al Snow - Good match I love how intense Test is and its nice to see him back I hope he dose not beat everyone like he did Snow though I hope his next match is more back and forth and not so one sided I love the kicking of Head into the crowd

Big Show Vs. ECW Champion Rob Van Dam - Awesome match it had everything some great spot and it went from RVD to Show so many time and then you thought RVD had it won when Heyman run down 1........2.............WTF it was great and then after it was all done a great battle Heyman rasie Shows hand and the crowd litters the ring it was like Hogan when he joined the nWo it was great ...They done a good job of taking a really messed up time and making it interesting to watch

We also had CM Punk talk and tell us about him and that was good Tazz said something about letting Fertig in next week after he spit blood all over the camera

Too me it seem like a decent show all things considering

07-11-2006, 07:59 AM
First off I dont need to find one other who agree with me because I dont care if I am the only one I dont need anyone to justify my opinionsI never said or suggested that you should change your opinion, or that you should care if people disagree. I'm only backing up my opinion in the fact that it is the same as many others. No one said it wasn't alright to disagree.
some new people like Mike Knox and Fertig and CM Punk they will fill the void that RVD and Sabu have leftSimply put, no they won't. If you like them, that's great, but impressing you (which seems to be kind of easy) is not the only thing on ECW's agenda.

I dont want to take my time whinning and bitching about how bad it is or how its not old ECW I would rather enjoy it for what it is they have had some good matches and they have been doing the best they canI'm not sure if you're referring to me or someone else in this thread, or to the IWC in general. I don't sugar-coat my posts. I point out what I observe. If I see something I like, I'll talk about it. If I see something I don't like, I'll talk about that too. I don't limit myself either way.

Mike Knox Vs. Little Guido - not a bad matchWell it definitely wasn't a good one. You've made it clear that you don't care about others' opinions, but did you have your TV on mute when the crowd was chanting "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE!" at Knox? I agree with them.

Test Vs. Al Snow - Good matchIf you think that match was good, what's your definition of a bad match? Once again, the arena chants speak for me as the crowd proclaimed, "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE!", "BORING!", and "YOU TAKE STEROIDS!"

Big Show Vs. ECW Champion Rob Van Dam - Awesome match it had everything some great spot and it went from RVD to Show so many time and then you thought RVD had it won when Heyman run down 1........2.............WTF it was great and then after it was all done a great battle Heymn rasie Shows hand and the crowd litters the ring it was like Hogan when he joined the nWo it was great ...They done a good job of taking a really messed up time and making it interesting to watchThe only reason this was a decent match and that it was halfway entertaining was because RVD was in it. As previously mentioned, RVD won't be on any WWE TV for a while with this suspension and probably a little bit after it. I'm sure RVD wanted to go out leaving a visual memory in our heads. The quality of that match had nothing to do with it being on an ECW program.

We also had CM Punk talk and tell us about him and that was good Tazz said something about letting Fertig in next week after he spit blood all over the cameraHonestly, I like both C.M. Punk and Mordecai a.k.a. Kevin Fertig a.k.a. that creepy vampire guy who spit "blood" into the camera, I'd just rather see them wrestle instead of talk or spit blood.

Still 2nd Place
07-11-2006, 06:02 PM
No I am not easy to impress me but at the same time I am going to take the show for what it is and not take my time to find things wrong with it....No its not perfect yes it could be better and I am given its time but I am also enjoying seeing these guys that I didnt get to see a few months ago without ECW being back I would not be getting to see them they would be in OVW or DSW or sitting at home keeping there chair warm

Look you can sit there and find everything wrong with it and reason to hate it along with a good portion of the posting world or you can sit back relax and enjoy seeing these guys that with out the ECW show we would not be seeing

I woould like to remind you that back in the day when TNA aired there first PPV so many people said it would not make it and how bad was and had nothing but bad things to say ...I was one of the people who said this will make it and that it had so much potential to be big and make it when other gave it 4 months and it would be gone I said bullshit and guess what them same people are now fans and they cheer TNA TNA TNA ......same thing gose here I am not saying you are one of these people I am just saying people are too quick to bash something let it grow and let it blossom

I was a huge ECW fan back in the day and yes I would like to have that ECW back but we all knew from the start this was going to be something differant all I have to say is if you are watching it just to bash it turn it off no one makes you watch .......I will watch and enjoy the "NEW ECW"

07-12-2006, 12:15 AM
No I am not easy to impressI wasn't asking you if you were. That is what I observed and what I perceive you to be. Denying it doesn't change my impression of you.

While you're caught up in your opinion, you don't seem to see the difference between an opinion and a statement of facts. For instance, when I posted:
What's better about it? Sabu's gone, Angle's gone, RVD's gone, CM Punk hasn't wrestled yet, and Big Show is the champ. You call that better? You are in the extreme minority with your opinion. In fact, I challenge you to find one person here at UOW that agrees ECW has gotten better since it started.That's all fact. The wrestlers who I mentioned are gone are in fact gone for the moment, Punk hasn't wrestled, Big Show is the champ, and your opinion contradicts just about everyone else's. None of that was my attempt at singling out only the bad in ECW, which by the way is the topic of this thread and is the opinion of one of the conerstones of ECW's rebirth, Tommy Dreamer.

The conflict here isn't my opinion against yours, even though they differ. The conflict is between me and others in this thread presenting the facts and you ignoring them and being a hypocrite by only focusing on what you think is the "good" of the new ECW.

I have to like something about the show seeing as how I watch it and then take the time to discuss it on the internet. Why would I waste my valuable time do that on a show that I completely hated and saw no good in? I know I have no obligation to watch the show, and I'll admit I haven't seen every minute of every episode, but I still like it enough to continue to watch so I'm obviously not just focusing on the bad.
I woould like to remind you that back in the day when TNA aired there first PPV so many people said it would not make it and how bad was and had nothing but bad things to sayI don't need the reminder. I experienced that crap first hand, but TNA's success doesn't make you look any better, it just makes all those people who predicted failure for TNA look like idiots.
I was a huge ECW fan back in the day and yes I would like to have that ECW back but we all knew from the start this was going to be something differantActually the opposite is true. A lot of internet wrestling fans, some specifically here at UOW, were expecting this to be the same as the old company. That's why so many of them are pissed right now. If you don't believe me, just look around.

Still 2nd Place
07-12-2006, 07:02 AM
I maybe caught up in my opinion but so are you and I have said I dont care how many hate or want to sit there and pick out the bad the bottom line is that the show has some good point also and those are the ones I focus on not the bad like you seem to do ...and when in my post did I say your facts were wrong about who was gone I didnt I know that RVD is gone and Angle is also I never questioned that go back look for your self you will see I never did

I dont need you to change your mind on me you can perceive me in any light you want it dont change the fact your wrong about me.....and me only looking at the good and ignoring what was said I said its not perfect and some things could be better I know there some bad but I think the good out weight it

but I have said my peace and I am done with this I like the new ECW and you dont in the end thats what it come down too I wont change your view and you wont change mine

07-12-2006, 08:10 AM
Now you're simply not paying attention. It doesn't matter if our opinions differ. That was out in the open from the start. You basically just re-worded your last post.

My whole point of saying that those statements are facts was to get you to see that you're not even arguing with me. You seem to be determined on avoiding any and every negative comment that could be used to describe ECW. BTW my perception of you isn't wrong. I'm not speculating or guessing how you are, I am directly observing how you reacted to the situation. Once again, you don't seem to understand the concept of an opinion. We can have conflicting ones. Neither of us is wrong by having an opinion. Also, I mentioned how I am not ignoring the good in ECW in the event of me still watching it. Like I said before, if I thought the show was all bad, why the hell would I be watching it?

Bottom line is that I'm a realist. I'm not going to ignore part of the situation. I'm not going to pretend that the show is all good and censor myself from making any degrading comments about it. I also am not being a hypocrite by watching the show and then only saying how bad it is. It's overwhelming enough to try to keep up with the fantasy world that is World Wrestling Entertainment. I have neither the time, motivation, nor the creativeness to try and further extend the kayfabe through what I post on the internet.

Still 2nd Place
07-12-2006, 04:35 PM
I didnt ignore any part of the situation I have said there is some bad but instead of me just saying how bad it was and thats what you guy were doing I said what was good about the show that is all

As I said last night I am done with this whole back and forth thing there no point......

Last night show

Heymans promo - Well I have to admit I wanted to see Paul go out there and tell the truth what happened like ONS with the whole Matt thing as thats the Paul that I like but whatever .....It was agood promo nevertheless or so I thought it could have been better it was short and to the point

Backstage with Tommy and Heyman - I knew it was coming but I am not mad about it I will wait see how this turn out and hope for the best

Test vs Dreamer - A good match for the time it was gioven it went back and forth and in teh end Test did win but not clean I hope we get to see them go in eXtream rules ....the match was good though and I like how they didnt make Dreamer look weak

Fertig/Shelly segment - I love Fertig so I enjoyed this but I wish they would get him in the ring and not just hype him up as I am excited about him and they are running out of time .....if they had a longer deal I would say ok but they just dont have the time to keep hyping these guys for weeks

Kelly/Candice dance - Yeah no one cares there is no need for this the only saving grace here was Sandman beating Knoxs with the cane I do have my fingers crossed this leads to a match so we get out of this Sandmans canes someone each week and we get to see him in the ring

CM Punk promo - another good moment I love Punk he is a star and will be great I thought the promo was good again but same as fertig I want him in the ring and not just a shot each week of him

Credible vs Sabu - Well, here we have ECW Vs. ECW and on paper you think this will be match of the night but ah nope theres DQ in this match so I was let down I was excited but the match was not half bad it could have been alot better and I just wish someone would have won and not by DQ

Ball Mahoney - He was an original that was pretty much what he was saying also that he likes his name not bad I guess I would have prefered him in the ring

Big Show vs Ric Flair - This was a good match and I enjoyed seeing Flair Vs. Show I had my doubts about it there was blood (like all Flair matchs) and there was some nice spots I loved how Flair played that shit after the match

There was also a Promo telling us to get ready for Shannon Moore ....I am so excited about him I am a huge fan since Omega days so I cant wait to see him in ECW its seems the guys I love are going to ECW lets see CM Punk,Shannon Moore, and Fertig there are other also

There was also a Flair Promo and that was decent but we expect that as Flair is greta on the mic

Overall the show gets a 3.5 out of a 5