View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Event Results, 6/11: Prague, Czech Republic

06-12-2009, 09:48 AM
Live Results
June 11th, 2009 - Prague, Czech Republic
Report by Pavel Jirku, F4Wonline.com

Hey guys, I thought you might like the results from tonight's RAW House Show in Czech Republic. It was the first time they came here. The place wasn't sold out but there weren't that many empty seats. That was quite surprising considering that wrestling really isn't popular here.

1) Goldust beat William Regal after Hornswaggle bit Regal in the ass.

2) Maryse beat Kelly for the Women's title after a DDT.

3) Carlito and Primo beat Priceless by DQ in a Unified Tag Team Title match after I think DiBiase hit Carlito with a chair. They beat them up after the match with the chair as well.

4) Kofi Kingston beat Matt Hardy in a U.S. title match that went like a minute. Matt atacked Kofi on his way out, they got to the ring, Kofi hit his finish and that was it.

10 minute intermission.

5) Big Show beat MVP with the chokeslam.

6) John Cena beat The miz with the FU.

7) Triple H beat Randy Orton after hitting the pedigree.