View Full Version : Jim Ross Blog - Thu, 06/11/2009

Black Widow
06-12-2009, 03:39 PM
Thu, 06/11/2009 - 10:21pm — J.R.
Posted in:

* Wrestling

My thanks to every one who provided us feedback regarding selling our sauce by the case and a potential book idea using content from previous blogs and Q&A's. We'd still love to hear from you about these matters if you care to respond. Let's get to some BBQ'ed Random Thoughts.....

It took me 13 hellacious hours to get from NYC to OKC Thursday because of weather issues in Dallas. I ended up making the DFW to Norman trip by car but only after sitting on the tarmac in Kansas City where we were diverted. I think OKC would have been a much better diversion city. Nonetheless it was a memorable way to end a 5 day odyssey considering I have to leave again Sunday for Charlotte and the big, 3 hour Raw. Bad travel days suck pond water even after having my share of them over the years.

Not enough can be said of Edge and Jeff Hardy wrestling this week on TV considering all that they put themselves through Sunday in the Ladder Match. There's probably some idiot out there on message proclaiming that the two participants "know how to fall" when using a ladder.

If you are fans of either Jeff or Edge be sure to catch Friday Night Smackdown this week. You'll like what you see.

Is there a hotter, live audience reaction for any one in WWE than for Jeff Hardy? I know Jeff's body is beat to hell as we speak but he has taken his game to another level and has come a long way from the teen we hired back in the day. I'm really proud of Jeff.

The live crowd in New Orleans seemed to dig Randy Orton Sunday night to to a larger degree than I would have guessed. I know some fans simply like to cheer for the villains but Mr. RKO's reception was eyebrow raising for me. I think we simply live in a defiant generation where many voyeuristically live through athletes like Orton. Randy's youth, cool tat's, great entrance music, really strong in ring skills, and being attitudinal make Orton "popular" to many young males. My theory is that as long as those defiant, young males buy a ticket, it's good.

I've followed Chris Jericho's career closely for years and I don't think that the Winnipeg native has ever been better that he is right now. When Jericho boasts that he is the best at what he does in the world he's not overly exaggerating.

One has to expect that we will likely see more of Jericho vs. Mysterio Monday night on the huge, enhanced, 3 hour Raw that starts one hour early at 8/ 7 Central. At least I hope so. Jericho vs. Rey in New Orleans was big time stuff from two guys who were trained the old school way.

Dr. Jim Andrews, as I understand it, in Birmingham, Alabama performed the surgery to repair a major injury to Dave Batista's biceps. The Animal will be out at least 4 months and perhaps closer to 6. Bad break for a good guy but no one has to worry about how hard Batista will work to come back and be 100%. Nor will Dave be "lonely" one has to assume. Perhaps Nurse Slobberknockers will be available. Sponge bath any one??

The young wrestlers who are getting an opportunity to wrestle against Ricky Steamboat at selected, live WWE events should count their blessings. What a learning opportunity for these youngsters. Steamboat told me over the weekend that he never has wrestled a match in his career where he was positioned as the villain for the record.

The WWE 24/7 Legends Roundtable went well as Michael Hayes, WWE HOF'ers Sgt. Slaughter, Pat Patterson, Mean Gene Okerlund, and me discussed how patriotism and nationalism have been utilized in wrestling. On the second show we discussed "Giants," as in size, of wrestling. We were all asked to name our favorite "Giant" and I did not name Andre but others obviously did. We also discussed how the term "Giant" has changed over the years considering that men like 6'7" Killer Kowalski and Don Leo Jonathan were considered legit "Giants" back in the 50's and in the pre-Andre days. Sarge had some awesome stories to tell about meeting President Reagan in the White House and President Nixon on an airplane. Plus, the death threats Sarge received after becoming an Iraq sympathizer was freakish and the steps that had to be taken to keep Slaughter safe were eye opening.

With C.M. Punk cashing in the Money in the Bank Contract Sunday night, does that now make Punk a wrestling villain? I think not. I think many fans were more upset that Jeff Hardy lost than they were with Punk winning . It seems to me that any one with a brain would pick the most opportune time possible to cash in the MIB Contract and moments after an insane, ladder match seems like perfect timing. Now, the fans themselves may turn against Punk and if so, fine, but Punk's actions at Extreme Rules don't seem as if they should automatically make him public enemy #1. Punk has some "attitude" so I think he will be able to handle whatever comes his way.

Will there be a better match all week on TV than Thursday night's Jericho v s. Morrison bout on WGN's WWE Superstars? Morrison is "this close" to establishing residence at the next level hopefully for the long haul from where I sit.

Another young man who is emerging is Evan Bourne. I'd like to hear him talk more but the University of Missouri grad's in ring style is fun to watch.

Teddy Long "trading" for Jack Swagger would work for me. Long time, WWE insiders love Swagger's potential. However I do think Swagger being on ECW, for now, is a great place for the former Sooner who will always be the second toughest man from Swagger's home town of Perry, Oklahoma.

I am happy that Tommy Dreamer won the ECW Title Sunday. I enjoyed the ECW bout even though I am personally challenged by watching so many multi participant bouts on TV. Don't get me wrong, I don't "hate them" but I love one on one bouts better. Yeah, I know that I'm terribly old school but old dogs can still hunt from time to time.

Lots of questions regarding WWE seeking a female, ring announcer/singer. This doesn't mean that Lilian Garcia is going any where but media company's like WWE are never NOT looking for new announce talents. I do not know what Lilian's long term professional or personal goals are but I have not heard any thing but good things about her work. We all know she can damn sure sing. Who knows, perhaps Lil is looking to cut back on her road schedule. She's in Prague as I write this.

On a related note, back when I lived in Connecticut, I personally auditioned dozens of candidates who, theoretically, would have loved to take my spot some day.

I got a cool email from "Hitman" Bret Hart this week with some photos of him wearing our "Got Sauce" white T shirt. We'll get that photo on the site soon. Bret is a fan of our sauces and especially our beef jerky. He seemed to be enjoying relaxing times in his Hawaii home but we do hope to hook up later this year in Calgary.

Communicated with The Undertaker recently who is anxious to return to the ring sooner than later. I don't have a return date but there is no doubt in my mind that the future Hall of Famer will be back in a WWE ring by summer's end or early autumn. "They" don't make 'em like the "Demon of Death Valley" any more folks and for those that continue to send us questions regarding a 'Taker retirement be advised that they are still be deleted because there's nothing to that rumor.

Todd Grisham and I recorded our Jericho vs. Morrison WGN bout Monday night in Lafayette prior to Raw and then left shortly thereafter for the 3 hour or so drive to Biloxi. Because we left and the fact that I had no idea, I never got to say good bye to Vickie Guerrero whose last night was Monday. Vickie improved tremendously in her on screen persona during her WWE tenure and I will admit that I was skeptical of her screen persona at the beginning. Vickie kissing Edge made me uncomfortable which was the goal. Vickie and her late husband Eddy had two, beautiful daughters and now Vickie can return to being a full time Mom which is infinitely more important than delivering her classic phrase, "EXCUSE ME...EXCUSE ME!" Many, many WWE Superstars gave Vickie a much deserved, emotional send off Monday evening. For the record, several months ago Vickie presented my wife Jan and me with some of Eddy's ring worn attire that we are framing and will be hanging in our BBQ joint in Norman. Vickie's smiling face and warm demeanor will be missed by many of us.

Friday Night Smackdown is another really nice show and I hope that you check it out on MyNetworkTV.

Don't forget to check out all the "deals" in our on line store that never closes. Buying our J.R.'s Original BBQ Sauce by the case and having us pay the shipping is a great deal. BTW the shelf life of our sauce is a minimum of one year and is denoted on each bottle.

I'll be updated the Q&A's this week, writing another blog here before I leave for Charlotte and writing my weekly blog located on the Smackdown page of WWE.com.

Boomer Sooner!



06-13-2009, 07:17 AM
thanks for this Ryan