View Full Version : Joey Styles Thanks PWInsider

06-13-2009, 08:52 AM
In his new blog on the WWE website, Joey Styles (who, for full disclosure Dave Scherer, Buck Woodward and myself worked with on the original ECW website) wrote, "I would like to thank all the wrestling dirt sites that took notice and linked to my passionate tweets at twitter.com/wwejoeystyles. All of the media coverage has resulted in a 20% increase in followers in a single week!"

Obviously, Joey was referring to Dave Scherer's numerous comments about his political comments in the last week. Hey Joey, we plugged you enough in the last week, so how about returning the favor? I kid, I kid.

Styles also wrote in depth about Tommy Dreamer winning the ECW title at Extreme Rules. Styles noted that had he been asked, he would have come out of retirement to call the match (I had actually heard that idea a few weeks back but couldn't confirm it was planned) and that he personally strapped the title around Dreamer's waist for his first official photo session as ECW champ. Styles noted that in Dreamer's short run as the ECW World champion in April 2000, he lost the belt without ever having the chance to wear it.

Styles commented, "ECW without Tommy Dreamer would be like the New York Yankees without pinstripes. Sure, they would still be called The Yankees but what's in a name? A name is just a name. A rose by any other name would not smell as sweet. In fact, I would argue that it would stink on ice. I complete this blog feeling an inner peace because The Yankees wear pinstripes and ECW has Tommy Dreamer. Dream on Original ECW fans because in some ways, the dream lives on."

06-13-2009, 08:57 AM
That would've been a great idea to have Joey there. Everyone thinking it was Tommy's last match and Joey wanting to be there, then Tommy winning and Joey putting the belt on him with both their hands raised in the air. It could've been classic but I have to remember that this isn't the original ECW.

06-13-2009, 03:42 PM
wow thanks for this John